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Error spent most of his free time sitting in an empty AU or the Anti-Void, watching Undernovela and nibbling on chocolate. Occasionally, he'd try doing various activities like teaching himself to get over his fears, or control his glitching better, or just knitting. And if he was really bored, he'd go disrupt some AUs, although Ink was - irritatingly - always there to stop him.

So he was lonely quite often.

But being alone like this, in this grey space, with no way of creating portals or magic or anything... it shouldn't have bothered him.

It did.

A lot.

Error felt like one of his vital bones had been ripped away from him. The words haphephobia and philophobia kept echoing around in his mind.

Where were the others? Had they decided that he was too evil, and that they should just leave him there? But surely Ink wouldn't let them... would he? Did he still have enough emotions left to realise that they had to rescue Error?

He doubted it. However, if Ink got his emotions back, he would come back to get Error. Right? Or maybe he wouldn't be able to get here. At least, not without the help of Fizz.


Error wondered who the strange version of Sans actually was. Maybe he'd kidnapped Berry. He tried not to think about it.

The skeleton was unusual. Created out of codes? Error realised that Fizz was more similar to himself than he realised. He'd practically made himself out of codes, or at least added some bits and bobs that made him much more cool. Fizz, on the other hand, was literally formed entirely out of codes. If he'd been made so easily... could he be destroyed as easily?

Perhaps this 'Boss' had destroyed him. Error would've considered that a good thing, if not for the fact that it would leave him stranded here forever.

Wait a second.

Fizz was made out of codes right? In fact, this entire place was made out of codes. Just another Anti-Void. Which meant, with Error's capabilities...

He could, possibly, hack everything.

Error leapt to his feet. It was time to do the thing he was best at.



Cure was either worried, or impatient.

He paced back and forth, his hands shoved into his pockets, a focused expression stuck to his skull. Eventually, he stomped his foot and stopped pacing. "That's it! I can't take it! I'll go find them myself."

"Wait! We wanna come with you!" Swap insisted.

Nightmare had been pacing in his cell the whole time, growling to himself about unfairness and mistakes and stupid electronics. When Cure voiced his thoughts, he paused for a moment to stare at them. His hands shook by his sides, so he curled them into fists to hide it. Still, he kept silent.

Ink's eyes widened just the slightest bit. Distressed, he nodded in agreement with Swap. There was no way he would just stay here and do nothing.

"Alright, fine. Hold on, I'll pull up a portal," Cure huffed, glancing back and forth between Ink and Swap, before turning away from them. Whatever he did to create the portal, Ink couldn't see because Cure's back was to them. If that was on purpose, he did a good job of positioning himself.

Soon, the endless, colourless horizon vanished.


His plan was going perfectly.

The three skeletons waiting by Nightmare's cell were leaving. They'd probably go to Swap's cell, where they'd find nothing. What they did next was up to them, although he expected them to try to go back to Nightmare's cell.

However, by then, the one in a red hoodie wouldn't be able to create portals anymore, thanks to the codes. The group of skeletons would be stuck, lost, in an empty void. He would get his servant to summon them from there, and then they would all belong to him.

He thought about the next devious phase of his plan.

It couldn't fail.

Behind him, his servant shivered and shuddered. Codes were reprogramming it, trying to turn it into something more mindless and loyal. He still couldn't believe that he'd found the codes to be able to create his own servant, even if this one had failed it's first trial. But with the new codes...

"Get up," he snarled, kicking his servant's leg.

However, just as it collided, everything went wrong. He had been wrong. There had been one more skeleton that he'd completely forgotten about and overlooked.


CreaseTale 0.3 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now