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Fizz peeked from a distance.

Cure healed his soul. His boss and creator was watching and tracking their every move; he was sure of it. There was no way he was–


If he could just remember...

Ah, perfect, Fizz thought as a memory came to the front of his mind after he called it. Now, he knew exactly what he would do. With his tail lashing determinedly, Fizz spun around, shoved past Shattered Dream - who had been standing soundlessly beside him, staring into space - and made a dash for the control room.

If he could make it, and if he succeeded, they would all be safe.

Fizz would be free. Cure could take him back to another, safe AU where he could make friends and live life how it was supposed to go. He could say goodbye forever to Error, and meet the other skeleton with Cure. And Swap could go back to his AU, whichever one that was.

The skeleton sprinted through the mess of winding, white corridors. Almost there, he thought. Power and adrenaline were already coursing through his bones.


Where there really no guards?


Why wasn't he being attacked?


Or... not. Fizz realised he'd been running up and down and in circles, and now he was completely lost. Was it just his imagination or did the steps seem to be glitching? He slowed, and sure enough, the stairs were twinkling and flashing like the reflection of the sun on the sea. Not that that was anything Fizz had ever seen in person.


(A/N: gonna try to speed this up. Sorry nothing makes sense, I might put a little note explaining the plot at the end. Also sorry if there's a lack of Errorink, good description, interesting plot, developed characters, or in fact anything that you should include when writing a story. Yay, I'm so good at this)


Fizz began to sprint again. To hell with the tricks and circles.

It was working. He was getting closer. The hallways changed, windowless and thin, low ceilings and smelling of cleaning products. Fizz could feel every thud from his feet hitting the ground echo through his skull.

He reached the control room.

Standing, as still as stone in the middle of the room, amongst the hanging cables and beeping machines, towered a figure. His spine was straight with pride, he clearly was standing up for everything he'd done. Feeling strangely empty, hollow and detached, Fizz slowly approached his creator.

His boss.

His enemy.

"Move it," Fizz hissed, crouching low like a panther about to pounce. He eyed the figure cautiously, his spike-tipped tail lashing from side to side.

The tall form smiled. It was an evil smile, full of malice and... well, it was just plain creepy!

He edged closer, wary and stressed. His creator tilted his head to the left like a curious puppy, making his scary smile even more sinister. His eyes were like empty pits of black, fathoms deep, endless and dark.

"I said–" the crouching skeleton almost screamed as something knocked into him and sent him flying across the room, where his skull slammed into the concrete wall and...



Ink, Error, Swap, Cure and Nightmare had been trying to figure out an escape route for the last fifteen minutes. Shattered Dream didn't move from his spot; he was frozen in place, and not even Ink's lifeless, emotionless voice could stir him. Cure got more worried by the second, his brow creased. Ink still felt nothing. Error wanted more than anything to be at home with Ink - or at least, somewhere other than here.

"I'm going after Fizz," Cure announced, pulling himself free of Swap's hand and beelining straight for the entrance to the building. However, before he could get there...

Something smashed into him, like an invisible wall, on the side of his skull. Cure crumpled to the floor, the left side of his skull fractured and splintered into a million pieces.

Error summoned his soul, and was shocked to see that there was still a small portion of it left. Cure was still alive. For the moment, at least.

"Why do bad things keep happening?" Swap!Sans choked out between a sob and a cough. Nightmare glanced at him awkwardly, then stepped away as unobviously as possible. The taller skeleton, his chest devoid of the usual strap and multi-coloured vials, let his gaze fix on Cure and completely ignored Swap.

The short skeleton fell to his bony knees and buried his skull in his hands. "It's not fair!"

"We can... uh, fix this?" Nightmare tried, reaching over tentatively and trying to pat Swap's rigid spine. He wasn't very good with comforting or emotions.

Just then, a silhouette appeared outside of the dull grey building.



I wrote this story so long ago that it's super out of date, and half finished, I'm so sorry! I also loved reading all the comments, thank you so much and I'm glad that so many people read and enjoyed my super old terrible stories... ack, my writing has hopefully improved a lot since then...

Thank you for all the support! BOOK 4 COMING SOON! :)


CreaseTale 0.3 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now