Chapter Two

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**Y/n p.o.v**

I quickly ran off away from that weird kid, trying to take in as much of the village as I could. Running Threw the crowded streets I smelt lovely food, ramen and cooking meat. The smell filled me with joy as I kept running.

**25 minutes later**

I soon ended up around the exam sign in. When I got their I seen a commotion going on at the entrance to the exam room, after looking at it the first time I soon realized it was a genjutsu. I walked closer to the door to see who was fighting who.

When I made it their I seen a girl and Rock Lee being pushed around like dogs, I got closer to the guys as they were about to hit the girl again. I got in front of the girl and one of the guys hit me instead.

"What do you think your about to do!?" I yelled as I touched the bruise on my face which I quickly healed with medical ninjutsu.

"Move out of the way!" Yelled the other guy who went to raise his fist to me again.

"Stop beating on those weaker then you!" I yelled catching his fist this time.

The girl behind me gasped and looked in shock. I'm sure a lot of people were surprised by me catching his fist without trying but, I didn't care about that. I looked over at Rock Lee who had bruise all over his face. The girl did as well.

**Rock Lee p.o.v**

I told Neji and TenTen to play weak before we even got into the exam room. When we got to the door their was two guys blocking are way, me and TenTen tried to get past them but they started hitting us. They were not very strong but I didn't like seeing my team mate getting hit by someone.

I seen one guy go to punch TenTen in the face but I couldn't stop him so, I quickly closed my eyes so I didn't have to see it and that's when I heard a impact of the guys fist. I slowly opened my eyes to see that it wasn't TenTen that got hit but, it was (Y/n).

She looked angry as she yelled at the guys who were about to hit TenTen. Honestly I was a little shocked to see her step in especially since it wasn't her teammate or even someone she knew.

Looking at her again she didn't even have a mark from the punch which was odd. Just as (Y/n) started walking to me I seen Sakura who was the cutest girl I ever seen. I ran towards her to introduce myself and asked her out.

** No one's p.o.v **

As Rock Lee walked over towards Sakura, (Y/n) reached the spot he was just at. (Y/n) looked over at Rock Lee and glared at Sakura.

" Your Sakura right?!" Rock Lee yelled excitedly.

"Uh, yeah?" She said confused.

"I'm Rock Lee! Will you be my girlfriend!?" He yelped in glee.

(Y/n) got annoyed at Sakura reaction and quickly went to the two guys and gave a cold killer glare as they released the Jutsu. After the Jutsu was released (Y/n) quickly ran up the steps to the exam room.

When I made it to the exam room I seen that Gaara and the others were their already. I went and sat by Gaara as my other team members came to me. I seen sound headbands on them.

"Your joking right? You guys don't even have sand headbands." I scolded to where only Gaara team and the two sound Ninja can hear.

"Put this on I can't believe you forgot it." This skinny guy said throwing it at my face and hitting me.

"You better watch yourself!" I said standing up quickly and slamming my hands on the desk.

"You should calm down!" The other guy yelled getting closer to me.

"You should stop acting like my boss!" I yelled grabbing his collar.

"(Y/n) calm down. It's an order from the Kazekage." Gaara said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed the stupid headband and put it on. I prefer my headband not this one. I stood up and walked to the two boys on my team and then followed where they were looking at.

It's the hidden Leaf dweebs and it looks like someone was talking about the sound village. The two guys charge at the rookies and it looks like they attacked a guy with glasses. The guy's glasses shattered and he started coughing up blood.

"Idiots." I scolded then a man comes into the exam room.

Rivals For The Exams! (RockLee x (Fem) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now