"Crush..? and The Letter"

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    {After Breakfast Twilight goes to the bedroom}

"Ughh.." Twilight said as she stuffed her face with a pillow. 

"What am I gonna do now? My friends might be worried about me..
but how am I going to send a letter?"
and I might get in trouble if I try to escape.." she mumbled.

"My Queen?  Are you okay?"
Sombra said as he opened the bedroom door.

*Ughh why does he keep calling me
"Queen?!" It's so annoying.*
Twilight thought to herself.

"Oh..  It's you.. I'm fine. Anyways, what do you want?"
Twilight asked.

"Nothing really. I was checking in on you.  Incase you might escape.."
He added.

"Escape?  Pfft! Why would I ever escape?  It's uh.. beautiful here!"
Twilight lied.

"Beautiful..?, Wow,  that's the first compliment you've ever said to me,
I mean it's dark and creepy I know.
but thats the way I like it."
Sombra replied.

"Anyways,  if you need me,  I'll be in the throne room, see you♡"
He added giving Twilight a kiss to the cheek as he went out the room.

"What.. just.. happened?"
Twilight said with a lil blush on her face.
"Wait, am I blushing?!  That can't be! 
I don't even like him!" She tried to rub the kiss and blush from her face.

                     {In Ponyville}

"Twilight! Twilight!  Where are you?!  It's me!  Spike!" the dragon shouted. but no answer.
"Huh,  that's weird.  maybe she's with one of her friends.."

                   {Galaxy comes in}
      {Galaxy is the daughter of  Twilight and Flash, I'll explain more in Authors Note.}

"Hey Uncle Spike!  Have you seen my Mommy?" Galaxy asked.

"I'm also looking for her Gal,  but she's nowhere to be found." Spike said with a frown on his face.

"Look!  there's  a note! I'll read it!"
Galaxy said flying over to the kitchen fridge.

     "If you're looking for your precious "Princess," I have her but I'm not telling where she is.
Just be careful ponies. 


hen Galaxy red the note, (Get it? Galaxy Note?  No?  Ok. )

Her face was flooded with tears.
Spike tried to comfort her,  but she refused.
When everypony heard the news,  they were crying in corners.
Celestia sent the Mane 5, Spike and Royal Guards to a search party.

Author's Note: Like I promised more of Galaxy's backstory!

Galaxy is the daughter of Twilight.
She is an White-Lavender alicorn.
Twilight and flash WERE a couple,
but Flash cheated on her with Sunset.

  At that time,  Twilight had her second child, it was a colt and is a pegasus. 
He had orange coat like Flash's,
His eyes were like Twilight,
His mane was blue with
blueish streaks at the end.
His Name was Starry Shield.

This is the picture of the two.
(Mah drawing is very ugaly)

 (Mah drawing is very ugaly)

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