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"So you're saying you were this Taehyung guy and you died and you had to posses Yoongi's body to try and get closure from your relationship?" I nod, I'm not stupid I knew he wouldn't believe it as a real story, so I said it was a dream. "So who was this boyfriend?" fuck. I haven't practice acting like I don't know Jungkook, or that it doesn't hurt. We broke up only four hours before I died, of course it still hurts. "Yoongi." Hoseok prods. I sigh and try my best to act nonchalant about it all.

"I was trying to remember, have some patience. I think it was some Jungkook kid?" The look on his face worries me. What is that look for?"Jeon Jungkook?" I look at him confused because how could he possibly know that. He shows me Jungkook's picture, yup that's him alright.

"Yeah, thats him, h-how did you- do you know him?" Hoseok nods and my stomach becomes knotted, maybe I'll see him again sooner than I thought if he is friends with Hoseok. Maybe thats why I recognised the name, Jungkook must have mentioned him before.

"But, your dream...its so bizarre because he is dating a guy named Tae, he talked about him a lot, he came to me for advice on their relationship sometimes."correction, was dating a guy named Tae. I lightly nod, feeling like I'm finally learning about the side of my boyfriend that he shut me out of for so long.

"Can I meet him?" I ask before I can stop myself. "Maybe theres a reason I had that dream, I know its far fetched and I don't actually believe it myself, but part of me is curious..." Hoseok nods, considering it.

"Come to practice with me later, he should be there, he never misses practice." You're telling me, the asshole left me mid-date because he was asked to go to practice."Seems like a dedicated kid" Hoseok smiles brightly."He is, but I think it is causing problems with Tae." It was.

I follow Hoseok to practice, from what I've gathered Yoongi has never gone to practice with him. I still don't exactly know anything about myself, but I will piece it together I guess, maybe check his social media or something. As I walk into the dance studio my eyes instantly land on him. "Jungkookie!" Hoseok calls him over and I hold my breath. "This is Yoongi." 

"Ah, the famous Min Yoongi, Hyung always talks about how in lo- ah" he's cut off mid-sentence by Hoseok, I'm guessing Hoseok has a crush on Yoongi? It makes sense, he is hot and they're pretty well suited visually. I wonder how Yoongi feels about Hoseok.

Both Yoongi me and ghost me tense as Jungkook's eyes stay on Yoongi. "It's nice to finally meet you hyung." His smile kills me, I haven't seen him smile in so long. How is he smiling so easily? We just broke up. He's happy while my body is being eaten by sharks, honestly what could I have possibly done that my death is best thing thats ever happened to him?

"It's nice to meet you too." I give a small smile, trying to ignore my feelings and focus on being Yoongi. This may be more difficult than I thought."You can sit at the side and watch" Hoseok chirps and gets me a chair. I haven't seen Jungkook dance in almost a year, he told me since he started dancing with Hoseok I wasn't allowed to come because I would distract him too much. I can't help admire him dancing, although I can feel Yoongi fighting, wanting to watch Hoseok, maybe their feelings are mutual?Regardless I keep my attention on Jungkook, missing seeing the passion run through him as he dances. I can't watch anymore and look down at my hands.

I feel a hand on my shoulder as the music stops, "was my dancing that beautiful?" Hoseok teases and I chuckle."You were amazing, you all were." I smile, hoping Hoseok didn't catch me watching Jungkook, hoping anything I do doesn't mess up any of the relationships yoongi already has in his life.

We head back to our apartment, thankfully just me and Hoseok. "The kid is pretty good right?" I'm brought out of my thoughts and shyly smile."Almost better than you." I tease, hearing his hurt scoff follow as I then chuckle, feeling more and more like Yoongi as time passes.

I head to my- I mean Yoongi's room and lay down, finally taking time to look at my little ghosty. He looks different, as if he feels sick. "T-Tae- I- its- we need to..." before he can finish the sentence we are in front of  the blond haired man. "So, how did the first day go?" Should I ask all of my questions?

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