chapter 2 - i will just keep burning

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Hi guys! I really appreciate all the people who took the time to read the first chapter of this story! You don't know how much it means even though the number isn't that high. I'm grateful for every single view I get. Updates have been slow because honestly, I get home from school, nap for maybe an hour and then do homework until I go to bed. Makes it hard to write at all, but enjoy this none the less.


{ Jenna's POV }

The bell queuing the end of first period cut into my teacher's final words. Ms. Carter placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips, glaring at the clock. "Alright then, I guess you all have to finish the theme essay for homework tonight as well. Remember, your report on Edgar Allen Poe is due Friday, and I want it be at least three pages. A full three pages. And that means no 36-point words while typing, Mr. Gaskarth."

A boy in the back row of the classroom grinned and looked down as the class erupted into laughter. I sighed, jiggling my knee. I hated when teacher kept you past the bell and then you had to explain in front of a full classroom why you hadn't been able to make it to the other side of the building in time. Ms. Carter noticed, and gave me an irritated look. "Well, I know you all are antsy to get to your next class, so get going. Have a good rest of the day."

Before her last words had even escaped, I had already gathered all my books in my arms and hurried out into the hallways. My next class was Geometry, and it was kind of far away. I hadn't even realized how hard it was going to be getting from place to place when I had no idea where anything even was.

Don't get worked up, Jenna. It's okay. You're fine. They'll understand. You're new.

I was pretty much as new to New York as you could be. I just moved here about a week ago from Sydney, Australia. I'd never been to America and I'd had maybe had one American friend at my old school. I didn't know why I expected them to be so different; they weren't. But I was still pretty terrified. What if they laughed at my accent or couldn't understand me? Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and disregarding the time, I pulled it out.

There was a new text message flashing on the screen. My heart sank and I felt tears prickling the back of my eyes. It was from my best guy friend, Whakaio.

Whakattack: Hey Jenn, how's NY? You okay?

I chuckled softly at the name he was saved in my phone as. When we were in seventh grade, we were joking around and making up names for our future band. And out of nowhere, he came out with that one. The bunch of us (we had other friends over, of course), spent like ten minutes laughing. Then it just stuck.

Things seemed so right back then. We were all musically inclined. They (Whakaio, Cam, Jake, and Matt) all played instruments, and I love to sing. We were going to be that next band in Australia to make it big and tour worldwide. What did I do to deserve having to move? Now none of that could come true. There wasn't even a chance. One minute we were these big middle-school dreamers, and the next it was like a giant rock had come and smashed it all to bits. A tear slipped down my cheek and I texted back.

You: It's so scary not knowing anybody. I miss u guy so much!! I wanna go home :(

Another tear escaped, and I brushed it away, feeling my body starting to tremble. Barely caring that I would probably be late to class, I backed up into the lockers, attempting to even out my breathing.

Whakattack: Can't text long cuz its midnight here. But keep it together kiddo!! U got this. We miss u lots 2. :(

Letting out a deep sigh, I texted back a heart and slid my phone back into my pocket. I didn't even know how much longer I had before I'd be marked late. At least the hallways were clearer now. I could probably run there and not get into any-

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