chapter 3 - carry me home tonight

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Another update for this weekend since I had some extra time. Jardougall hints in this chapter because I ship them pretty hard lolol. But hope you guys enjoy this update, I know it's not very good. cx


{ Tay's POV }

Was it fifth period yet? Holy shit, I was starving to death. Of course, I should have eaten breakfast, but since I started that routine, my stomach had like, shrunken or something. I was never this hungry. All I could do was pray that it wasn't meatloaf or some other really gross food nobody liked-I loved the pizza only because it was ordered from Domino's. And most other foods weren't so bad. I was just craving good stuff-not slop.

The end of fourth period could literally not come fast enough. I almost trampled poor Derek Sanders , who sat in front of me during Economics, trying to get to the door. I swear I get clumsier every day. After apologizing to him, I dug into my book bag and pulled out the empty water bottle I reused and filled it with water from the fountain.

There were two lunch periods-fifth and sixth. It was divided about half and half when it came to my friends. I sat with Vic of course, and our friends Jaime Preciado, Hayley Williams, Cameron Hurley, Mike Ferri, Sydney Sierota, and Kellin Quinn. Today, there was a warm sensation in my stomach I couldn't quite understand. I was actually in a pretty bad mood a few minutes ago. I had totally forgotten about my Economics project, which was sitting neatly and perfectly done on my dresser. That was a big, fat, unchangeable zero in a class I had a B in already. Just great.

I pushed open the doors to the cafeteria, breathing in the scent of spaghetti sauce and burned rice. Believe it or not, that was one of the more appealing choices for lunch. Naturally, I wandered over to our table, which was in the first row. Right next to the lunch line.

The members of our lunch gang were all in different grades, so our classes were pretty spread out. Sometimes Vic didn't get there until halfway through the period, which sucked. By this time, we were all starving.

"Hey, Tay," Hayley greeted me, giving me a toothy smile. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Her hair, which was usually a fiery red-orange color, was now a bright electric blue.

"Holy shit! Your hair looks awesome!" I gasped, sitting down across from her. Jaime, who was beside her, shook his head sadly.

"I just keep wanting to touch it," he told me, giving her a desperate look. Hayley and I laughed, and she rolled her eyes.

"I dyed it myself this time with some drugstore stuff. I don't want him to mess it up," she explained to me, giving him a glare, her implied seriousness breaking with her wavering smile.

"Ohhh, shittt, its blue!" A voice suddenly gasped, and suddenly Mike and Cameron were admiring it from behind her. Mike reached out and touched the tips. Hayley swatted his hand away desperately.

"Hands off, assholes," she giggled, jumping up and making her way towards the snack stand. Probably just to get away from all these crazy people. Vic and Kellin (who were best friends, by the way) plopped down on my right, cracking up about some freshman who apparently sat through their entire advanced English class without knowing he was in the wrong place. He was new, obviously, and ended up leaving in tears when he couldn't even read his pop-quiz.

"I'm thinking about dying my hair too," Mike was saying. "Maybe hot pink, to bring out my eyes." He fluttered his eyelashes dramatically. "And of course I gotta dye the beard."

Cameron felt the sides of his face. "I think I'm gonna grow one too."

"This beard is the source of my man power."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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