Chapter 1

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I stepped nervously into the loud, energy-filled hallways of Hall Cross High School.

It was nice living in the small town of Doncaster, but that meant I didn't have a very good social life. At all.

"Get outta my way, ass muncher," A random boy shoved me aside, making me drop all of the heavy books that were balanced in my arms. I sighed, bending down to pick them up. Sometimes, I hated Hall Cross. I only stayed for one reason. One beautiful reason. And he was coming down the hall right now.

He glanced over at me, seeing my mess of books on the floor. He frowned, getting on his knees and helping me out. My heart seemed to stop for a second. What was Louis Tomlinson doing helping me? If there was a popularity list of our school, he'd be right up there with a number one across from his name. Everyone loved him.

He must have seen the breathless look on my face as I dumbly stared at him. "You okay, Val?" He shot me one of his legendary smiles.

Whoa, what? For one, he knows I'm Valerie. And second, a nickname? My breathing must have been cut off for a while, because my head was starting to spin. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I sputtered.

Oh, I was better than fine.

Until I saw that dumb bimbo run down the hall. "Lou Boo! Baby!" As he stood up and spun around, Roxie Landers fell into his arms, kissing him for much too long.

She looked over at me with a confused look. Then she smiled brightly up at Louis. "You are too sweet, helping out the less fortunate."


Louis raised his eyebrow. He automatically changed the subject, and started to walk down the hallway with Roxie.

I breathed in deeply, savoring the air. I heard a familiar chuckle behind me. I rolled my eyes, turning around to see Zayn Malik, my only good friend. I smiled immediately, hugging him. Remember when I said I had no social life? Zayn was the only exception.

"You are way too obvious," He grinned, taking some of the books off of my hands.

"Yeah, I guess I am, huh?" I replied, giggling.

"That Rock chick makes me wanna vomit, I swear!" He pretended to gag, and I laughed once again.

"It's Roxie, and I agree. If she was more like Devinne was with Niall, or Kristen to you, maybe I'd except her."

"Ah, Kristen..." He smiled, looking up at the ceiling.

I looked over to see Niall and Devinne making out near the lockers. They were the 'screw PDA' kind of couple, you know? They were too cute, anyways.

The bell screeched, and I parted ways with Zayn as he linked arms with Kristen, kissing her and walking to his first class.

I opened the door to a awkwardly dead silent room. Ugh. Algebra 2. All the populars were gathered in here, talking as if they weren't at school. Ms. Hale cleared her throat, making the large crowd separate into different spots. I didn't notice I was still standing until Devinne looked over at me , nudging her head to an empty desk. Oh.

I ran over, sitting down quickly just as the late bell rang.

I never really payed attention, yet I was able to keep my slacker self on the Honor Roll. It was a mystery to me.

 I couldn't get my mind off of Louis. His angelic blue-grey eyes just got my heart racing. The way he smiled his perfect blindingly white smile just left me speechless. And, to top it off, he's nice. How could any guy beat that?

"...And your answer, Valerie?" I snapped out of my gaze, seeing Ms. Hale's eyes dig into mine.

"Uh..." I shrugged my shoulders, making some of the class laugh. I could feel the blood rise to my cheeks. God, Louis was infecting my mind...

"Valerie, Louis is not the correct answer," Ms. Hale smirked, making the entire class roar with laughter. I wanted to run out of the class. Now. No one needed to know I like Louis, and now the whole school might as well know. Secrets like these spread like wildfire. 

Then, I realized it. Louis would find out the soonest.

My eyes started to burn, but I held it in. This was the worst place to cry.

But I believe I had all the right reasons to.

I was more than glad that the bell had rung for my next class. I gathered my things as quickly as I could, and darted out of the classroom.

 I don't know why I thought it would be any better to go to PE. For one, I sucked at it, and for two, both Louis and Roxie were in that class. Great.

As soon as I walked out of the locker rooms in my PE uniform, I saw Louis. He was so gorgeous, he could make our stupid grey shirt and red shorts a fashion statement. 

I felt nauseous with nervousness when the captains started to choose team mates for dodgeball. Mostly because Roxie was one of the team captains. 

Of course she didn't pick me. She just chose the popular kids, as usual. Nice to know I'm against my crush and his warthog of a girlfriend.

The game started quickly, and I tried my best to avoid the balls that seemed to be launched only at me. Then, I glanced over at Roxie, who had a vicious gleam in her eye.

Before I knew it, a searing pain tore across my side, knocking the wind out of me. That was sure as hell going to leave a bruise. And with this Leukemia the doctors think I have, this bruise wasn't going to be pretty. 

Another pain hit me in my temple, practically shaking my brain. I fell to the ground dizzily.

"That's what you get for staring at my boyfriend, bitch!" I heard Roxie's voice yell. 

I couldn't take this. I felt my cheeks get wet. No, no, no! I can't cry here! Not in front of him!

"What the hell are you doing? You could have knocked her out, Roxie!" I heard Louis' angry but soft voice.

"Babe, she totally deserved it. I mean, you saw her-"

"No. That doesn't mean you can do anything you want to her."I heard footsteps come closer to me. My vision started to clear, and I saw Louis' hand sticking out in front of me, offering to help me up.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over her. You alright Valerie?" He looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied.

That boy could see right through me. "No use in lying to me. Maybe you should go see the nurse."

I smiled weakly, accepting the idea. 

Right as I walked out of the gym, nausea, stress, pain, and nervousness filled my aching body. I walked up to the office as quickly as my disoriented self could.

"Hm... You might have a minor concussion, no big deal. But you should go rest today." The nurse pointed over to the phone. How am I going to explain this to my mom? She was already a wreck from hearing the news at the doctors awhile ago. I punched in the number, and told the story as much as I didn't want to. She sounded emotionless and numb telling me she'd be on her way.

She took it better than I thought. But how would I know what's going through her head right now...

Probably way too much for me to handle.

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