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ah! im sorry for not updating in ages :( but heres a new chapter! enjoy it mwah

˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

august 1, 1971
2:19 pm

— "Darling" Harry coes into his baby's ear, his usual deep voice slightly strained after crying. Bambi shakes her head against his chest as she keeps her arms wrapped tightly around him.

"Hey, you know I'm not happy about this either, Sunshine." He pouts and Bambi releases her hold on him, leaning away from the warmth of his chest. "I know.." She mumbles and uses the sleeves of her lilac cardigan to wipe away her tears. Harry plants a kiss on her temple, her cheeks warming up from the slight affection. "I'll be back next summer. I promise." Harry tries to be optimistic, but fails when he knows that's still far too long to be away from the beautiful doe.

"We can do a lot of fun things today. Anything you want." Harry offers and grins when he sees Bambi perk up a little from the idea. "Anything?" She questions and bats her long eyelashes, a smile playing on her peach pink lips as she looks up at harry. "Anything you want, baby." He chuckles and Bambi smiles. "Can we go to the beach?" She questions and Harry raises his brows slightly, not expecting the answer he received.

"Of course, baby."


3:00 pm

The simmering california sun burned down upon the two lovers as Harry pulled onto the sand of the beach, his car free of a roof. "We're here, Darling." He announces as he parked his covertible, Bambi immediately releasing herself of the constricting seatbelt. The berry swings her legs right over the door of the car, completely discarding the door just like the first time he took her home in this car. Harry chuckles at her excitement and says, "relax, bunny."

Bambi had only been to the beach a few times as a child so the second her barefoot feet met the grainy sand, she let out a content sigh. The feeling being familiar to the dirt around her garden, although this slightly burns her sensitive feet. "Ah ouch!" She hisses and immediately reaches for the flip flops inside the car, throwing them onto the floor beneath her and sliding them on.

"You okay, baby?" Harry question as he rushed to her side. "Uhm I'm fine. Just a little hotter than I remember!" She laughs and Harry smiles at his girl before he stalks over to the trunk, popping it open and grabbing the beach bag him and Bambi packed before they got here. The pretty babe takes the bag from Harry as he gets ahold of the yellow umbrella, them making their way to claim a spot near the shore.

Once they chosen their spot on the close to empty beach, Harry sets the umbrella up in the sand as the doe lays out their two towels. She quickly plops down onto her towel (it being the pink one) as Harry finishes up with the shading. He takes the spot on the blue towel adjacent to his butterfly while Bambi searches through the bag for the sunscreen. She finds it nest the bottom and pops open the red cap, squeezing a small blob onto her hand as she starts to smooth the thick cream onto her porcelain face.

Harry looks over to his bud of sunshine once she was finished, seeing that she missed a spot of sunscreen. His hand reaches out and wipes it off with his index finger before plotting the cream onto her button nose, the fairy releasing a small laugh before rubbing that in as well.

Bambi suddenly hops onto her feet, kicking off the flip flops and pulling down her sundress straps. The thin clothing falls and meets the sand, leaving her in the sunflower bathing suit she wore when they shared their first kiss.  Harry can barely appreciate the view before his cherry grabs of the hem of his t-shirt, lifting it over his head leaving him shirtless and his tattoos out on display. Bambi then gets ahold of his hand, exclaiming, "C'mon baby, let's go into the water!" while pulling him towards the ocean. Meanwhile Harry's tummy flips from hearing his pet call him 'baby'. He smiles and follows Bambi to the water, their feet meeting the shore quickly. The flower grins at the feeling of the cold salt water between her toes, it being completely foreign compared to the lukewarm pond in her yard. Just as she was about to take another step, Harry picks her up bridal style as she lets out a high pitched scream and laughs. He runs them further into the water before throwing his darling into the water, her hand going to pinch her nose immediately.

Harry chuckles as he sees Bambi resurface from the water, her hair soaking wet and her nipples poking through her thin bikini top due to the cold water. "Harry!" She laughs and starts to go after him, the tide making it hard. "Oops? He says while his eyes widen as he starts to jog away from the water, purposely going slow so his berry can catch up with him. Once Bambi was finally close enough, she jumps onto him, Harry hissing when he feels the cold water that soaks her bathing suit meet his back. Water from her hair drip down his front and she wraps her arms around his neck, smacking a wet kiss on his cheek as he lets out a boisterous laugh.

"Back to water please!" Bambi demands and Harry listens, rushing back to the waves as his girl laughs in pure happiness.

If only it could always be like this.


its been a hot minute! sorry about that yall :(

okay well i hope you enjoyed the chapter! it was pretty shitty but i needed to update for yall so i hope it was somewhat good!

also, fine line is so good :) thank you harry for blessing us with that masterpiece because whew I cried.

anyways, i love you all! i hope im back for good.

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