Chapter 2

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I guess I fell asleep, because when I woke I was in my bed with Tanner holding onto my body.. He was smiling in his sleep and was as close as he could get to me. I smiled to myself as I tried to go back to sleep, yet I couldn’t. I kept hearing a whisper in my ear. I couldn’t tell if it was real or not. All I could focus on was what the voice was saying, “Does he really love you? Is he using you? He is just going to end up like the others! You are a burden to him! You're too fucked up for anyone to love you!” The voice kept getting louder. “No... No, your wrong.. He loves me.. He promised he won’t leave.. STOP.. NO!” I woke up again. I was on the floor, sweating to death. Tanner’s head peered over the edge of the bed. “Baby, are you okay? You screamed and rolled off the bed. ” He asked in a sweet voice. He then got up and put me back on the bed, and put me in his arms. I started to silently cry in his arms holding him closer to me. “Do you wanna talk about what just happened?” He asked in a gentle voice. I nodded my head yes as I tried to calm down enough to talk. “I kept hearing things.. Voices in my head.” “What were they saying, honey?” “That you don't really love me.. That I'm to fucked up for anyone to love me..” Tears started to trickle down my face. He looked at me with a saddened smile and said, “Baby.. I do love you, I will never stop loving you.. And because I love you, so you are perfectly imperfect to me.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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