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where am i?
i sit up and i see jack laying on the floor.
jack isn't moving. his chest isn't going up and down like it should.
"jack?" i crawl over to him but i can't quite reach him. the chains restrict me from getting to him.
i tug at the chains on the wall.
"shut up!"
christina comes in the room and slaps me.
"be quiet!"
she begins to beat me mercilessly.
"stop it!"
i yell in pain.
she grabs my arm and snaps it.
i yell out, hoping one of the boys would hear me.
"jack! corbyn! jonah! someone!"
she grabs my jaw so i'm looking at her.
"you. are. nothing."
she shoves me to the ground before leaving.


'you need to get up.'
'i can't.'
'do you hear that?'
'she's crying for you,'
'she needs you, jack.'
'if you won't do something i will.'

i feel my body lift up off the floor.
i look to see korra passed out on the floor.
"korra?" i tug at the chains on the wall.

'for korra.'

i rip the chains off the wall, making pieces of metal fly everywhere.
"korra!" i run to her and scoop her up into my arms.
"wake up!" i softly shake her.
she looks up at me with teary eyes.
"i'm here now, it's okay."
she begins to cry in my arms.
"i'm so sorry."
i pull her closer and feel tears drip down my cheeks.
"i'll never leave you,"
i pull away so we're looking at each other.
"never again."
she places her trembling hand on my cheek and wipes my tears.
"i love you."
she smiles softly before placing her
cold lips on mine.
"i love you too."

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