Do I love him?

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Dabi P.O.V.

I was with Spinner at the bar, drinking Vodka like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh boy, we're gonna get suck a hangover.." said the chuckling lizard man.

"Well I have no regrets." I answered lamely and then asked "But why the hell are we trying to get drunk again? It's early for this shit.."

"FOR THE GLORY OF STAIN OF COURSE!!!" Spinner shoted loudly.

"Oi oi shut the fuck up, you're too loud.." I replied.

Just then Tomura mached quickly into the room, like, really quickly.
I heard Kurogiri greet him and Tomura saying something about bread or some shit.

'Guess he's hungry...' I thought to myself.

Spinner rambled on about something that Stain did/said, but I couldn't bring myself to listen to him, I couldn't take my blue eyes off of Tenko.
'God... he's beautiful...' I thought and started blushing
'AW HELL NAH! I didn't just think about the most dangerous villain in Japan as 'beautiful'! You. Do. Not. Do. That! He's pale, scary (for some people, I'm
of course not scared) has chapped lips, is cute as fuck and- aw shit Dabi get your shit together, you burned noodle! You can't just-'

I was interrupted by Spinner saying

"Hey Dabi, could you take your eyes off of the boss? You're blushing like a bitch- uhh I mean Toga."

I heard a small 'hey!' from the distance and I couldn't help it and starded laughing a little.
'Did I really just blush? I didn't even realize...'

I was enjoying the moment, but it was interrupted when Tomura started coughing.
'Did creep catch a cold?' I asked myself a little worried, but I of course didn't show my concern for him.

Then he barged out of the room, but what left me really, really worried was that there was a single petal lying on the floor, covered in saliva. It left me frozen on the spot.

'Did.. did the creep love someone else?' I cried out in my mind.

I don't think the others had seen it yet, so I swiftly picked it up and walked straigt for the exit, but a hand stopped me.

"Hey man, you okey?" Asked Spinner in a concerned voice.

I just 'lazily' nodded and aswered with a voice full of sarcasm
"Can't a guy these days take a normal piss? I'm getting old, you know."

The lizard man released my shoulder and nodded, but to my suprise he said in a calm voice

"I know it's about boss. I had seen the petal. Please think rationally, before you take action."
He told me and I nodded swiftly

I ran to that creeps room and knocked on it loudly.

"Creep, are you in there?" I asked, my voice slightly shaking.

At first, I couldn't hear anything, but as I pressed my ear to the door, I could make out the noise of sobbing.
I felt my heart pang.
'Please be okey, creep!"

"Hey creep?" I called out, but suddendly a sound broke my heart. It was his heavy breathing and coughing. I knew the sighns of an panick attack far too well and by the sound of it, he was having one. Out of the blue he started screaming. No, not really screaming, it sounded chocked. No I was really worried.

"Creep, open the door. Creep? Creep! Boss!" I yelled. Without thinking I kicked/burned the fucking door down.

The sight broke my already abused heart. The creep- Tomura was a mess. He was curled up on the floor, bawling his eyes out 'oh god, I have never seen him cry', breathing heavily, lying in red and white petals that were covered in saliva and a bit of blood, TEARING his neck apart.

I ran as fast as I could to his side and halted for a second.

'You shouldn't touch a person when
he/she is having a panick attack, because he/she could react badly.' I realized.

"Cree-Tomura, I'm going to touch you now." I announced in the gentlest voice I could menage.

He didn't answer, didn't react, just kept crying and breathing heavily, so I made my decision to risk it. I put my hand on his shoulders and put him into a sitting position and then pulled him into a hug. He flinched at first, but soon stopped paying attention to my embrace.

"Boss, you need to calm down, you're going to pass out. Please boss, concentrage on my heart beat. On my breathing."
But nothing worked, his fists were still clenched and he was still crying and breathing heavily.
"Boss, boss, please. I know it's not easy, but please try to concentrate on my heart and breathing, Tomura."

Just as I finished my sentence, he went limp in my burned arms.

With a sigh, I wiped the drool, blood and petals off of him and picked him up bridal style, carefully. I then quickly put a blanket over the mess on the floor, covering up all the petals and blood, I could deal with that later.

"I need to get him to Kurogiri, that's my number one priority right now." I muttered to myself under my breath as I sprinted down the hallway.

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