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Tomura P.O.V.

I passed out again, didn't I? I remembered being in Kurogiri's room. Dabi was there too. 'I have to get out of here!' If Dabi know's I'm in danger. Or I feel like I'm in danger. What if he makes fun of me, AGAIN!

I opened my eyes and was ready to make a run for it and stay hidden in my room, but I realised... this wasn't my mist-caretaker's room. I was lying on an unfamiliar bad, the bed sheets hugged my thin body.
'Okey, this is getting weird. Where the actual fuck am I?' I thought. I was cunfused as shit, but I slowly sat up.

"Oh. You're finally awake." He said with that deep voice that 24/7 sounded like he didn't give a single flying fuck. That voice I once hated, but grew to love it.

We locked eyes for a moment and I quickly looked away. This was so humiliating. Being so weak and infront of your love, nonetheless.

But he just raised an elegant eyebrow.
He walked closer to my-..uh. his bed and flopped down next to me and I made a squal, yes, I fucking squealed.

He just looked at me and for a split second, our eyes locked. It felt like that crispy fucker was staring into my soul. I blushed and quickly averted my gaze.
He just sighed.

There was an awkward silence and I kinda wished he would say something, because this was really, really uncomfortable and Dabi did, but I didn't expect what he said.
All alarms have gone off in my head.

Dabi P.O.V.

"Tomura Shigaraki, who are you in love with?"

The mophead sharply turned his head to face me. With wide, blood red eyes he stared at me.

"W-what?" He stuttered out.

I turned to him, so I was lying on my side. 'Dang. He kinda lookes scared now....' I thought to myself.

"Mophead, who do you love?" I tried again.

He turned his head away AGAIN.

"Why would you give a shit." He replied sharply and got quickly up.
This made me grit my teeth.
'Who does he think he is?! I loved him for two years now and with every day I have fallen for him more and more and more!'
He tried to leave my room, but before he could even try to open the door, I janked his hand back and-

Tomura P.O.V.

The next few seconds went by like a flash of light. I got up from Dabi's bed to leave, but before I could, he pulled me back and threw me onto his bed.

Now I lied on my back, with Dabi towering over me. But the worst (or best?) thing was, that he was in. Between. My. Legs.

'Oh dear god.' I screamed in my mind while I blushed.

"D-D-DABI!" I screached and tried to push him away. Keyword tried. But Dabi was stronger than me and just took both of my wrists and pushed them over my head.

"What the hell are you doi-" but the look on his face silenced me.
Dabi he... he looked really pissed off.
Now I was just confused.

'The fuck? Why is he angry?'

Seeing the confused look on my face he just chuckled darkly at me.
I was feeling powerless, my quirk may be strong and I may be fast as fuck, but strenght in my arms? Nuh uh. I hated, but also loved this.
'What the fuck. Why would I even?!'

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt Dabi shift and accidentally touch my crotch with his leg. I swear my poor heart was running a marathon, but I couldn't help it and just closed tightly my eyes. Though I probably looked as red as a cherry.

Dabi leaned down, I could feel his unnaturally warm breath on my ear.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you are everything but smart." He seducivly whispered.

"E-EEH?! Who do you think you're talking to, you burned tras-!" But before I could finish, he slipped his hand under my jet black Shirt and pinched my nipple. I yelped.

"Mophead, I give a shit, because I fucking love you! And I can't stand seeing you ill with a deadly desease, just because a fucker doesn't like you or whatever! I'm sick of this! I fucking love you, but you still some some other asshole! Just give me a chance and I promise you I'll be even better that that person!"

He screamed in my face, while gripping my wrists even tighter.

"Just- just love me instead of the person, give me a chance!"

I lovered my head.
'He.. he really meant it, didn't he..'
And before I knew it, I started to cry.

"I-Idiot." I said back. He looked shocked and really sad. He was about to pull away, but I finally confessed.

"You'ry s-such a hypocrite. I-"
, I swallowed,
"I-I love you too!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Dabi looked really shocked, I think, though I couldn't see his face. He hid his eyes behing his hair.

Finally he looked up and I think my heart broke. He had a tear streaming down his face and a very, very sad look in his eyes. It didn't suit him at all.

"So all this time... all this time I have been the one who caused you all the pain." I whispered.

I still had tears streaming down my face, but I maneged to smile.

"T's not your fault, I was the one who cept it bottled up, wasn't I." I replied.

Dabi said nothing, just looked me deep in my eyes and I could feel my face heating up again.

But then Dabi smiled, actually smiled, not smirked, smiled at me and it made the feeling in my heart grow warmer.
The smile really suited my Dabi.

Dabi had me still pinned against the bed. It took a moment, but he finally realized what position we were in and that shit eating smirk returned. But this time, it wasnt the usual mocking one, this one was full of lust.

I gulped. And stared at him. He slowly leaned down and kissed me. It was full of love and dominance and I loved it.

The kiss got more heated, then Dabi licked my lip asking for entrance. I, of course, didn't know what it meant, because I didn't ever expirience this.

Dabi, at first canfused, but slowly understood. He pulled his hand away from my chest and palmed my growing erection. A moan escaped my mouth and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth.

Since I was inexperienced, Dabi took the lead. He started to explore every corner of my mouth, my quite gasps were captured in his mouth.
We broke apart in the need of oxygen.

I looked up to Dabi and could see him smiling lovingly at me.

"I love you, mophead." Dabi announced, "And I promise you won't ever need to worry about me not loving you back."

I turned my face away in clear embarassed.

"L-Love you too, baka..."

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