Night 1 (Malcolm Shaw)

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Thank the heavens, I wasn't the only murderer who killed that ba-man.... That man. He really thought if he just added new policies while everyone was distracted, we wouldn't NOTICE?! That greedy monster thought he could get away with stealing even more of our money?!!

       Let's see... who do I not like in the pathetic excuse of a town? Maybe that Henry guy. He doesn't bring much to the table. Probably a medium or something.

       I pick up my freshly cleaned knife and head out towards that idiot's house. On the way there I notice a dazed, elegant figure leaving that house. Maybe she's that Lena girl, but she's too tall to be her..... Could it be Astrid? I haven't seen her in town for a while so I can't be sure, but maybe.

       Looking into Henry's window, I notice him just standing there confused by the mess in his kitchen space. While he's still in a confused state I sneak in through the back door and hide behind the wall, watching, waiting, for the perfect time to strike. A dash of pink hair swoops last me towards Henry and disappears just like that.

       He's rubbing his neck, now is a perfect time. I lunge at that old man and start stabbing, and stabbing, ..and stabbing, .......and stabbing. If he even makes it to morning, I'll get him pushed up on trial if it's the last thing I do.

       As I casually skip back home, I see the elegant figure heading into what was usually an unoccupied building. Must be new, bet she doesn't even know about the horrors here. The mafia has probably already gotten her though... they wouldn't want to give up a great choice for a consort. I open up my door and set my knife casually in my sink with the jam jar. Sprinkling some bread crumbs on the counter and table, I make the perfect excuse for the knife.

       Just before I lay down, I hear a gunshot. The Godfather is back.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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