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February 2 , 7:12 AM.

I woke up hearing my alarm go off for highschool , I lifted up the cover rolling my eyes turning the alarm off on my phone .

I didn't like school at all , I was just ready to go there , speak to my bestie and leave but I gotta deal with these annoying teachers and these lil group of boys that love watching me .

I jumped out the bed beginning to make up the bed as I usually do , The sun beamed through the blinds as my toes rubbed against the furry white circle rug .

I grabbed my jean jacket , a black T-shirt , and some cut up jeans with some black shoes , I walked into the bathroom looking into the mirror , I'm still ugly but oh well .

I ran the shower stripping out my clothes , My eyes felt heavy since I didn't get much sleep from last night .

I stepped into the shower looking up at the ceiling letting the warm water fall down my body .

After some minutes past of me getting dress and doing my make up and brushing my teeth , I grabbed my spray bottle with some curly hair products with water mixed in it on my hair while brushing through it easily.

I put a little bun in the front and let the rest hang down , I hurried and did my lip scrub then applied my lip oil onto it rushing out the bathroom quick slanging my bookbag onto my hip with my phone and headphones .

" God damnit ! " I whined feeling my ankle starting to hurt when rushing out the room now rushing down the stairs .

I busted out the house locking the door quick trying to speed walk down the sidewalk to Chris's house before I get fussed at but it was too late , Chris was standing outside with his hands in his pocket tapping his foot roughly .

" What the hell took you so long to get here veah !? " Chris raised his voice beginning to walk up close to me , All I could've do was back up into the back of his car staring at him .

" Nothing bae , I was moving kind of slow today , I'm tired .... " I mumbled but he didn't care , His hand cuffed around my neck roughly pushing my head back making me whimper in pain .

" Next time hurry up and don't leave me standing out here for nothing , Okay ??? " He stared into my eyes with a devilish look , I only nodded my head gulping roughly by the grip .

" W o r d s . " He said roughly pushing my head back even more making me yelp in pain .

" Y - yes , Ok ok , I'm sorry .. " I whimpered , He let go smirking fixing my jacket and hair .

"Now thank you , Now give me a kiss before we go . " He said leaning in for a kiss , I gave him a weak little kiss back , he looked at me in a certain way before getting on his side of the car waiting for me to get in .

I don't understand why I'm still dating this nigga , I opened the door getting in the passenger seat putting on my seat getting ready for the drive to school with him .

*Skip the Drive*

I got out the car seeing my best friend Jayda standing in front of the school waiting , I hurried and ran to her as we did our little squeals .

" HEY BESTIEEEEEE , YOU LOOKIN CUTEEE !!! " Jayda yelled out trying to hype the mood up as usual , All I could've do was laugh at her .

" Hey best friend . " I laughed giving her a hug , Chris went out to his tiny crew he hang with all the time with 2 girls in it that he always laughing with 24/7 .

" You still go with that pussy ass nigga ? " Jayda said out loud , I quickly covered her mouth because she was being too loud , Chris looked over at us with a certain look before talking back with his crew .

" Jaydaaaaa ! " I pinched her arm as she yelp but laughed at the same time .

" Whattttt ?? I'm jus askin !! " She laughed some more as me and her started walking inside of the school together , We walked past the lockers and talked on a certain hall but the group of boys were walking towards us laughing .

I only knew one of them a little bit because of Jayda but the rest , I didn't really knew , his name was Stokeley , Jayda and him basically grew up together since him and her mom use to be friends when they were younger but She kinda talks to him, It's just waves then that's it sometimes .

" Neveah n Jayda huh ? " Stokeley spoke as the rest of his group of friends stood back mumbling .

" .....Umm , hey ? What you want ? Why you're here ? Tf- " Jayda rolled her eyes as Stokeley chuckled .

" Dang , You ain gotta be that rude you kno .. " Stokeley acted like he was hurt , Jayda rolled my eyes then scoffed before talking .

" Shut up and go sum where else wit that shi . " She and I laughed a little but then mines faded when a certain person made eye contact with me , he had on a hat , Some grills , with some twists in his head that was kinda visible , he had a little bit of face tats .

Our eyes stayed locked like glue for a good minute until the bell rung , His dark eyes turned the other way as he began walking to his class .

Who was he and what was that about ....

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