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February 2 , 11:35

After a couple of classes of stressing as usual , It was finally lunch time , I had to sit with Chris at lunch but sometimes it I didn't , I'd get punished by him , but then my bestfriend is my excuse so he lets it slide .

" Heyy bestfriend !! You think you're boo will let you sit with me today ? " Jayda rolled her eyes at Chris as he stared at our direction in a certain way again like he was going to do something .

" I'll have to ask him ... Can you come with me just in uh , Case ? " I scratched my ear as she nodded following me to Chris who was waiting at the table tapping his foot repeatedly .

" Hey um bae ... Can I uh.." I started choking on my words a bit when everybody decided to stare at us because Chris would usually make a whole scene in the lunch room for attention .

" I got this . " Jayda bumped her hip into mines moving me out the way as she sat in front of Chris with her legs crossed .

" Excuse me Chris , I was wondering if me and my bestfriend , Neveah here , Can sit and eat together at lunch today , We'll even sit in a table next to you , If you're not that strict about her . " Jayda said in her fancy sarcastic voice before smacking her lips after the sentence .

My stomach started to build with butterflies when Chris was still quiet , He put his arm out moving his food aside putting both of his arms on the table staring at Me then Jayda .

" Haha very funny about the table joke , But listen here though , I don't give a fuck if she's you're bestfriend , But guess what , I don't want her hanging with you no more starting today , C'mon Neveah . "

" What ?! You can't just do that Chris ! That's my fucking bestfriend ! " I looked at Chris in a confused way pulling Jayda out the seat putting her beside me .

" Why are you controlling her like she's you're fucking child Chris , That's not even right , C'mon Neveah ." Jayda scoffed walking away from Chris holding my arm , I begin to get nervous and scared , Chris quickly jumped up causing his food to fall on the floor walking up behind us fast , Everybody turned they're heads staring like crazy , I felt his huge hand grab my other arm pulling me back into him .

" What the fuck are you doing ?!? " I whined snatching my arm from him , he kept grabbing my arm locking his arm around mines .

" You're not fucking going with her Neveah , ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB ?! " He yelled yanking my arm back and forth , I snatched my arm back again trying to run away but then he pushed me into the door as the security came in trying to stop us .

Jayda tied her hair back then quickly popped Chris in his mouth , Me and Jayda got sent out the cafeteria into a room with 6 desks and a huge poster that said " Stay out of Trouble To Succeed . "

I sighed putting my head down feeling my arm paining , Jayda was sitting there taking off her nails since they got messed up from punching Chris in his mouth .

I looked at my arm then felt my stomach hurting even more , All you could've see was red marks all over my arm where he been grabbing on so tight .

" Ms Neveah , Do you want to go to the nurse to make sure you don't get a type of infection with open wounds ? " The teacher asked staring at my arm that was dark red a bit and bleeding a little bit .

" .... Yes please ... " I mumbled , the teacher opened the door for me to go out , Jayda looked at me but then dropped her head back down .

I got up from my seat wincing a bit , I looked up at the clock seeing if it was close to go home , I really didn't like it here , I always end up in this room at least 2 times a week .

I walked out the door hearing it slam behind me as usual , I rolled my eyes walking down the hall passing the nurses office so I can have so time to myself , I turned the hall to see the boy from earlier walking down the hall , He stopped then stared at me with a certain looked , but this time the look couldn't been explain , it looked like sadness mixed with confusion .

His hat was off this time , his black twists showed out more , His dark eyes stared at my arm for a bit , I began to get nervous like always , I went to turn away to walk but then I heard his voice say something .

" You don't have to leave , I'll just leave ... " He mumbled very lowly , I started hearing his footsteps behind me , He walked past me with his hood on his head not looking back at all , I stood there watching him walk by , Not a word could come out my mouth .

" Um..Thanks ... " My voice said at the last minute but I don't think he heard me anyways , I sighed then decided to go on to the nurse , I walked into the nurse who was fixing her cabinet .

" It's you again Ms Neveah isn't it . " She said lookin back seeing my bleeding arm , I nodded sitting in the chair as she brought out the wipes and alcohol .

" He must've did this again , Neveah it seems like you're not even listening to what I told you last time ! " The nurse fussed pouring the alcohol on the cotton ball pressing against the wounds making them sting badly .

" There's nothing I can do ! All he's gonna do is find me again , I can't even leave him . " I frowned tapping my acrylics against the counter as she went quiet , She pulling out the wipes then wiped my arm down before wrapping it up in bandage .

" ... Well keep trying is all I can say .. " The nurse said patting my arm as she went back to cleaning up her room .

" .. Thank you once again , This time you shouldn't see me in here no more .. "  I fake smiled at her getting up opening her door , She just laughed a bit as I closed the door .

The bell in the hallway ringed for the next class , 3 more classes left then I can go home .

Jayda was already in the hallway with my bag in her hand like she was worried about something .

" Neveah hurry up , Chris coming down the other hall fast looking for you , He saw me with you're fucking stuff so he apparently knows you're with me right now . " Jayda said running up the stairs with my bag , I peeped down the other hall seeing chris just turning on that hall noticing me , his face looked upset , his fist clenched as his started walking fast .

" Neveah you better not fucking move a step , I swear to God ! " He said in his aggressive voice as his jaw clenched hard , usually when he says that , I'd break down and cry and stand there , but this time I quickly ran up the stairs hearing his heavy steps far behind me .

" VEAH !! " He yelled before bursting out running after me , I was already on the second floor running down the hall with Jayda , we turned the corner and got into the class room quick scaring the teacher .

" What the hell ?! " She cussed dropping the papers staring at us in a rude way .

" We're sorry Ms Loot . " Jayda breathed heavily sitting down at her desk , I sat beside her grabbing my stuff , the teacher sighed picking up the papers walking back over to her desk , I sat down in my desk looking at the students that walked in , then there was the group of boys walking in , staring at me as usual , but they had a more serious look like they were planning something .

I stared back in a certain way , I was concerned about the way they looked at me , What was they going to do ?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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