4• So Maybe I'm not Okay

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Beetlejuice lay there on Candy's couch unable to sleep. He wanted you, no, he needed you. You helped him be a real human. Feel things he's never felt before. Feel emotions. Feel... Wanted.But now... You were gone... Too far out of reach.

He gasped as his eyes shot open. Usually you'd be there to calm him but he was alone. The quiet living room gave it an erie feeling of silence. He ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his pictures.

You both looked so happy. You were smiling and laughing with your arms around him as he shot a quick flash and took a picture. He had a lot of pictures of you let's just say. He some erotic pictures of you, he felt a warm feeling inside of him. But was soon gone since he knew you were there.

You on the other hand were fine. You felt like nothing has changed, you didn't want anything to change. You went about your normal life like any other day, all the while Beetlejuice missed you and needed you more as the days drew to months.

Candy though was there for him all the way, which he was absolutely thankful for. If it weren't for Candy, he'd probably have killed himself already.

His phone rang.

"Listen I'm not in the mood." He spoke in a calm voice.

"Baby, I'm here to get you in the mood~" she spoke seductively over the line.

"I can't just keep hiding this... It's too stressful" He but his lip as he paced the halls of the apartment building.

"Just come over and we can relive  that stress?~" her thick British accent rang over the phone.

"Okay, but this isn't an every day thing... I'll be over in a minute." He sighed in defeat.

He hung up the phone and walked back in the door. "Hey Candy, I'll be back soon!" He yelled through her apartment.

"Kay! Just don't kill yourself!"

He walked out the door and shit it. He put his back against the door and sighed. He decided he should get going, he walked to a stopping point so he could hail a taxi. He told the driver the place and soon enough they were.

He handed him the money and then turned to shut the door, "hey, uh, thanks..." He said before he left.

He knocked on the door for it to open to a last wearing some very revealing clothing.

"Carley... Really I think we should st-" he tried to say before he was grabbed by the collar then pushed on to the ground.
It's weird I'm a slut in this story... And it's weird to write... But lets ignore the fact that this was my idea, mk? Mk...

Carley got on top of him and shut him up with a kiss. "Come on~ you gotta say you'll miss this, Y/n doesn't please you like I do..  remember~" she spoke in a innocent voice.

"Well yeah, but still..." He said as he brought his hand to her thighs.

"Shhh, let's think about this another time."

Candy had over heard him on the phone. She knew she was right when she heard him at the mall, and she knew how deviated you'd be to hear this if Juno never happened. She slipped some sandles on and headed to follow Beetlejuice. She knew she shouldn't be stalking him, but it's what you would do. She scoffed as she saw the woman. The woman he's been with before. Candy was disgusted he'd even go back with her, but she had no say in his decisions.

Beetlejuice laid with her in bed. Knowing what he had done was wrong, but since you had no idea who he was anymore, was it? She laid next to him playing with his hair before he snapped. "Carley listen, I love Y/n and I need her way more than I need you. This done, we're over, please..." He said in a demanding voice.

"But I love it when you sound so dominant, so sexy~ she whispered the last part trying to get him to stay.

"Carley I really need to go..."


"don't call me that" he spoke harshly as he grabbed his clothes. "Carley, just, act like we never happened."

As he said that, he did up his shoes and left. He sighed softly as he checked his phone.

Y/n 💕 has deleted your contact.

His heart dropped as he read the notification. Beetlejuice continued on anyway.

You stepped out of your front door ready to walk to Candy's. You were bored and knew she'd want to talk to you about the past events. You arrived at her building and pressed the elevator button the same time as someone else. You looked up to see the strange man from earlier.

"Y/n... Hey...."

You stepped back as you groaned."Honestly dude, how do you know my name?"

"It's a long story ju-"


The elevator door opened. You walked in completely ignoring the man obviously wanting to talk to you. He stepped in and awkwardly stood next to you. "Uh, what floor?"

"Seven." You said without even looking his way.

He mouthed an 'okay', and proceeded to push the button. You both stood in a painfully awkward silence the whole way up. What's even worse was what you were wearing. A small f/c crop top with a pair of small addidas shorts on. Each item revealing a beautiful feature of you, which made Beetlejuice a little anxious. He glanced over at you a few times, but you never realized. He wiped a bead of sweat off his head before the elevator cane to a stop. You both stepped out and walked down the hall to Candy's room.

"So I'm guessing you're friends with Candy too?" You sighed rubbing your temple.

"Yeah uh, I g-guess..."

You knocked on the door and awaiting for the door to open. Beetlejuice tapped his foot as the awkward silence washed over you both again.

"Bee- Lawrence... y/n... Uh.... Come  in..." Candy dreadfully said looking at the two of you.

I updated two chapters in a day... Whoops, it's not midnight yet. Ah, I don't give a shit anymore.

But here ya go... Don't uh..  mind my random ass cameos, yes... There will be more sadly... But hope you enjoyed... And like .. votes? Comments? Suggestions? Concerns??? a fOLLLW?!?!  no jk... Unless 😏


Unlessss- I should stop

Author out!!

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