Eleven · · · Tapalla (.2)

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As they walked closer to town, Tapalla was busy trying to figure out if her winter mask was on inside out. Its black material was soft against her face and it was weird in a way so the person wearing it could see anything around them, but no known could see their face. It was warm and cozy, but rarely anyone wore them so Tapalla felt odd walking with it on her head. Only her mouth felt cold from the wind since they were the only thing that wasn't covered by the mask.

Tapalla's bright blonde hair popped out the bottom of the winter mask. Her hair and her hat were the only bright colors she was wearing. She then put her white hat back on her head making her ears feel extra warm.

When the got to the market, it was still full of Lotnans. When they passed by Druyu's old booth, Tapalla linked arms with Monta for support and looked the other way. If any Lotnan was going to recognize her, it would be that couple.

Monta's hand grew warm on her arm and her heart melted from his comfort. While they were trapped in the city, Tapalla never wanted to let go of him.

Still holding Tapalla's arm, Monta asked Ralli, who walking on his other side, "Should we take a cabbie flyer there?"

Ralli shrugged her shoulders. "If you want to, but I wouldn't want them to drop us off directly at Chaka's house. I don't want to risk the chances of people finding out where mala and pala are hiding out."

"Smart," Monta said pulling Tapalla and Ralli along.

When they got to the edge of the market, Tapalla spotted the line of cabbie flyers waiting to take people from the market and around the city. Tapalla followed Monta and Ralli to cabbie flyer and sat next to Monta by the window.

Monta took a few dollars out of his pocket and handed them to the driver. "Keep the change," he said. "Um, can you drop us off one block away east from the library?"

"Whatever you want," the driver said in a gruff voice just before he took off down the street.

Tapalla never really liked flyers. They made her feel sick, which was why she was so grateful that her family didn't own. If she could, Tapalla would have jumped out of the flyer and walked all the way to Chaka's house herself. Walking a quarter of an inta every day is what kept her fit since she didn't like to any workouts or exercises like Monta.

"Are we almost there?" she moaned to Monta.

Ralli answered instead, "Just a bit more."

Monta then leaned over and whispered in Tapalla's ear, "I'm sorry. I know you get sick when riding in a flyer, but it's the fastest way to get to Chaka's house."

Tapalla rolled her eyes under her winter mask in compliance as she held her stomach. "I know. I know. I just wish there was a way we could get there faster without having to take a cabbie."

Monta shrugged his shoulders. "Well, there's always running like Ralli."

Ralli elbowed her brother, asking, "What did I do?"

Tapalla didn't know how it was possible, but her sickness almost went away when she started to laugh. "Nothing, Ralli. Nothing."

Frowning, Ralli crossed her arms and slouched in her seat. "I better not have or Monta's gonna get some serious butt-whoopin'!"

"I bet I will," Monta laughed.

"Oh you know it," Ralli growled still acting angry.

The rest of the ride was silent except for occasional burp from Tapalla, which was what she did when she felt sick.

Tapalla got out first and examined as she waited for the others. The outside of the cabbie flyer was a cream color to match most of the cities buildings, with a pastel blue stripe going down the side of the flyer. They were the city's colors and the college's colors. Cream, or off-white, and pastel blue.

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