It's Your Birthday / Harry

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He kept you busy the whole day while the boys set up things for your surprise party. You had found out about the party a week ago but Harry assured you it wasn't just any regular surprise party so that's what kept it a surprise you thought.

At last in the evening, Harry told you to freshen up and get dressed. He reminded you to wear something casual. So you put on a pair of skinny jeans with a black tank top and a pair of sneakers. When you came down, Harry was already at the door with his car keys. He drove you all the way to the pizza parlor. You had told him before that no matter what the occasion was, you didn't mind going anywhere as long as you were by his side.

When you got out of the car, you saw what seemed to be hundreds of fans waiting outside the parlor. You weren't so surprised by this as this happened a lot knowing that Harry Styles was your boyfriend. You smiled at the fans who wished you. While you were doing this, you noticed Harry was busy taking selfies with the fans who'd asked him for one. He knew you would never mind. After a few minutes, you and Harry entered the pizza parlor. The rest of the boys each gave you an enormous hug and wished you. You thanked all of them, placing a peck on each of their cheeks including Harry's. All of you started digging in to your pepperoni pizzas.

Just as you were about to finish your last piece, you heard singing. You soon realised you had forgotten all about the fans that were outside the parlor. As the singing got louder, you heard that they were singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' while holding posters reading "We love you guys!", "You're the best Y/N!", "Keep doing what you're doing with Harry" or just a simple "ILY Y/N". You felt tears filling up your eyes. Harry came before you and wiped them. "Y/N I know it isn't easy dating a boy from a famous boy band. You constantly have to miss me while I'm on tour, you have to deal with hate from some of the fans and most importantly you have to help me decide some of the most important decisions in my career despite knowing how much of a brat I can be when I don't agree with you.", he said while holding your hand. You could already feel the tears streaming down your face again.

Then he continued "So as an enormous thank you, I made sure the boys and I threw this surprise party with all our fans gathered here." He finally finished placing a warm passionate kiss on your now trembling lips because of the crying. You literally had no words to say so you just deepened his kiss and ran out to hug as many fans as you can while saying "Thank you so much!"

From this day onwards, you could say that this had been the best and most memorable birthday you've ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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