You're my finish line

812 29 2

Pairing: Jungkook x reader

Genre: Biker au! Romance, fluff.

Description: A fluffy drabble to make you smile.

Hope you enjoy.



You love nothing more than a sound sleep of eight hours, so you could work like there's no tomorrow. You hate it when someone wakes you up in the middle of night or some ass'o clock in the morning. But here you are groaning in irritation when you hear someone knocking their knuckles on your door which is switched to fist when you don't open the door.

You search for your phone which must be somewhere in your bed cause you slept last night without keeping it on the night stand, your hands finally feel hard object near your waist, which you are assure its your phone, you unlock it, eyes adjusting to exposure of sudden brightness, it's 6 am, unhumanly hours to be awake yet you get up anyway cause the knocks on the door aren't stopping.

On the way to your door, you adjust your T-shirt which was rolled up in your sleep and tie hair in loose bun. Peeping from the peep hole you see, tall figure, head covered in black beanie, you recognize him easily, rolling your eyes you open the door, "Morning' sweetheart!" Jungkook greets you with widespread grin which makes you more angrier than you already are, "Don't glare at me like that!" He complains when you don't return him smile.

"What brings you here?" You ask going back in the living room, jungkook follows you inside,

"That's how you greet your boyfriend after seeing him in long time?" He pouts like puppy, cause he knows you will forgive him. You try to suppress the smile and shot another glare at him as you pass him the water, he looked tired after a long weekend of racing and pulling stunts. Can you imagine he took days off at office for this?

"What should I do when my boyfriend is so busy with his first love?" You answer filled with sarcasm, pointing out his first love that is his bike.

"You said you love her too" jungkook leans on the table beside you,

"not if she's keeping you away from me" your hand lays on the table supporting your weight,

"Someone is jealous of her" he smirks, enjoying that you're getting so worked up.

"Me? And jealous? Of that piece of metal?" You roll eyes.

"Hey!! That was offensive! Don't call her like that!" He looks away in offense.

"I'm sorry...." You apologize immediately, cause jungkook has soft spot for his lovely bike.

"Why are you here?" You ask again, while you tighten the water bottle's cap, preventing it from spilling but before you could, jungkook snatches the bottle and keeps it aside on the table before he pulls your hand and you closer to him,

"I wanted to show you something!" He smiles while resting your arms on his shoulder and as he rests his hands on your waist, the question mark on your face is very well understood by him, "just come with me...I promise you it's worth waking up at this hour"

"It'd better be" you narrow your eyes at him,

"Let's go?"

"I-I have to change" you try to pull yourself back from him but he pulls you in,

"You look sexy in this" he smirks,

"Then I better change cause others might know" you crack smile,

||JUNGKOOK × reader||Oneshots||Completed||√Where stories live. Discover now