Falling for you even more

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The usual sound of alarm rang in your ears to wake you up from your beautiful sleep, if you could sleep for more ten hours you would but you have to go to work, so you sit up turning off the alarm, hair messed up, some strands on your face some up in the air. Seeing your left side of the bed empty you realize jungkook has already left for the studio. You shrug off the covers and stretch yourself to awake yourself more, when the feet touch the cold floor, it makes you shiver.

Still half asleep you go in the bathroom to do morning routine and change in to formal suit because you have an important meeting today.

You come out of the room, stroll in the kitchen to find something for breakfast and as soon as you reach at the counter you see plate of pancakes covered in maple syrup and fruits ready to eat.

You notice small green color note under the plate saying 'Good morning,enjoy your birthday breakfast!' Smile creeps on your lips because you know who has wrote this note by recognizing the handwriting which belongs to none other than your idiot - Jungkook.

He must've woke up early to make this, small gesture already made your birthday bestest. With warm heart you left for the work.


"Ahh, so tired!" Zee spoke from behind, yawning as you were packing up things after meeting, "Wanna grab coffee?"

"Sure.." you smile back,

"What's special for today?" She asks with smirk as you both got out of the meeting room,

"Nothing....what could be special?" You try to hide smile,

"it's your birthday!! How could it not be special?" She says little loudly, with dramatic gestures

"There's nothing special. Now let's get coffee, shall we?" You drag her by arms to the cafe,

"Xiaaa....." She whines,

"Come on, now!" You continue dragging her despite her whining, she's your whiny co-worker and a really good friend.

It takes only a warm coffee to get back on your feet and work like a bee. You get back into your cabin to finalize the contract with changes made on today's meeting.

Evening comes in blink of an eye and it's already time to go home, "Hey, Xia!" You look upon the glass door and see zee knocking and has already opened the door, standing in front of you with widespread grin, "we are going for a drink!" She announces,

"Um...."you are confused, you want spend your birthday with Jungkook but there isn't any news for him yet, "I don't-" you were cut off when watchman knocks the door, zee gave them room to come in,

"A parcel for you" he said, handing you the flat, cream colored, rectangular box with red ribbon at the corner, you said thanks to the him as he left.

"Guess someone has planned something special for you.." smirk could be heard in Zee's voice,

"I had no idea" you Chuckle, looking at the box in your hand,

"Enjoy your night, I'll get going" zee walks towards the door but before leaving she turns around, "..and happy birthday, Xia!" She smiles,

"thank you" you return her smile,

"DON'T DIE FROM HEART ATTACK!!" she teass before leaving your office,

"COME BACK YOU LITTLE!!" you shout back but you are too lazy to run behind her.

Getting back at seat, you open the box by first undoing the ribbon and separate cover from it, your eyes twinkles as baby blue dress comes in your display. You delicately grab the dress and unfold it to let better look, knee length dress and figure hugging, perfect for your size. You look back in the box, there's one more blue color note, 'Get ready, beautiful! Can't wait to see you!'

You couldn't help but Chuckle knowing jungkook is going all extra miles for you, sudden beep of your phone attracts your attention to it, jungkook has sent you location, you click on the message and it directs you to the map which shows location of hotel. You're excited for dinner date with your boyfriend so without wasting time you rush to home.


The architecture of hotel has you amaze, it's tall building with beautiful lighting at right places. You park your car and head towards the dine area.

Soon you reach there, it seems a posh area, the people eating there seems to rich as well. When you go to the reception and ask as if there's any reservations under name Jeon, she nods and guides you in the dining area, you start searching for jungkook, hoping finding in one of the tables but you don't. The receptionist takes you further and soon out of the dine area, you start worrying, is she throwing you out if the hotel? Were you mistaken? So many thoughts rise in your head but soon they fade when you come a tall door, she opens it and you follow her.

The beautiful fountain greets you, it quiet big, under the night sky, surrounded by greenery. As your eyes lowers, you see table nicely decorated little further from fountain. A wide grin makes it ways on your face when you see jungkook standing next to the chair, looking handsome as always in his dress shirt, which surprisingly compliments your dress, "Enjoy your dinner" with smile receptionist makes her exit.

Jungkook takes in your hand in his and pulls you close, "Happy birthday, baby!" The smug spread on his face,

"Thank you" you couldn't help but look away, blush settles on your cheeks, arms resting on jungkook's shoulder and his hands on your waist, holding you close.

"You didn't need to do this so much, you know" you look at him,

"How could I not? It's birthday of very important person in my life!" He confesses, nose brushes yours.

"Gosh!...you make fall for you even more!" You laugh,

"You do the same"

You pull him in for kiss, a kiss that conveys love, no one is panting, it's slow, sweet kiss. His lips are familiar yet everytime you kiss it leaves you to crave for more.

"Let's have dinner?" He asks,

"I'm hungry"

"We have to cut the cake"

"Which flavour?"

"Chocolate...which you always like. Don't you get bored?"

"Hey! Don't tease me at least on my birthday!"

"That's why I should tease you more!"

"I hate you"

"I know you love me, Xia"

"God!! Why I love you?"

The sound of laughter echos in the night.


Thanks for reading.

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