Having trouble finding your writing style? Write how you talk. Don't try to be a Baldacci or a Riordan. Forget about the Tolkien. Just write how you think, how you talk. Say the description out loud, shout it if need be. Copy what comes to mind EXACTLY how you thought it. if another idea comes? Great! Add that in! others opinion be dammed. (unless you want feedback). Don't be the next Cassandra Clair, don't hide in Lewis' writing shadow. Make your own shadow. And gosh damn, make it HUGE.
Writing Prompts for yall
Historia CortaJust a series of writing prompts that come to mind, all fresh from ma brain. But since I have no creativity and LOOOOOTS of ideas, please feel free to use and manipulate them to your will, I'm excited to read them all. ENJOY! Note: updates will come...