My 'New' Life

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I don't know much about 1D but my cousin is kinda in love with them so I'm making this story for her. If you have any tid-bits you would like to see put in, or any help you can give me with the info on the band and stuff I might not know feel free to comment. It would be much appreciated.


"OMG Lisa I just like totally can't even believe that girl is your sister, it just like totally doesn't make sense." Claire almost screamed this yet she sat right next to me in Algebra II. 

Claire was actually a pretty nice girl when you got her alone away from all of her 'friends', in all honesty she just wanted to fit in. She was a really pretty girl, long blonde hair that she straightened religiously, I swear she brought her straightener to school just in case. Piercing dark blue eyes, and cute nose that she swore up and down "needed work done", big lips that I had overheard a few guys calling luscious. She was a bit on the short side about 5'3 but she wore 3" heels every day.

"In all seriousness, where the hell did your dad find them, the penny saver" that was Samantha Sammy for short she sat right behind Claire

Samantha was the exact opposite of Claire, honestly she was just a bitch. She had dyed black hair that was cut in that pixie style, I thought it looked ugly but according the style magazines she LIVED by I was wrong. She had plain brown eyes that she worn way to much make up to try and make look pretty. She had thin lips and a pointy nose, which just made her look more like the witch she was. She was also very tall about 5'8, and super skinny which made her look lanky.

Lisa sighed an overly dramatic sigh and turned around in her desk to look back at her two friends, she took in a deep breath and then said on an exhale "I know right, I totally think he is just torturing me. I think maybe this is my punishment for going a few hundred over on the credit card. She is totally going to ruin my reputation"

Lisa was daddy's little princess, she was raised a spoil rotten child who got everything she wanted when she whined. She had long dirty blond hair that reached her mid back, she wore it curly almost every day. She had light blue eyes that looked almost gray. If she wasn't such a bitch she would actually be really pretty, but the ugly that seeped out of her just couldn't be ignored. An lucky me I had the pleasure of calling her my step sister.

Our parents got married about two weeks ago, it was a spur of the moment thing. I got a call about 3 hours after I got home from school that day and my mom was almost inaudible. All I heard was "Ill...home.. morrow..big news... you" I totally hadn't understood what she was  trying to tell me, but when she walked thought the door with that huge rock on her finger and a guy I had seen and said hi to once or twice. At first I thought she was kidding, I actually started laughing and when they both stared at me that's when I knew this was no joke. And that's when I lost it and screamed "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!"

Needless to say I wasn't excited and it didn't help that my first week in our 'new' house I was grounded. But Lisa she worked different angle she pretended to be oh so excited when we came into the picture, saying sweet things like "Finally now I have a mom that I can go shopping with" or "OMG I've always wanted a sister." *cough cough* Bull Shit *cough cough* the moment I stepped into 'her' school it was a different story. It was all about poor me, now I have to share, they are just bombarding me.

Wah wah wah. Ehhhhh. The only thing this stuck up witch cared about more then her complexion and hair was One Direction. And the more she loved them the more I hated them. 

She would walk out of her room with her ipod in screaming "That's what makes you beautiful, oh oh that's what makes you beautiful" in that amazingly tone deaf voice that seemed to echo though out the halls. 

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