school,boys, dad and mom.

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joshs pov

are you sure we can do this babe? I ask as I walked in our living room where she was studying with tux on her lap, "yes babe we can I love that little girl with all my heart" she said tearing up. I looked in her big blue eyes and knew I was falling in love oyea I know we live together after 4 months but we did it for cloey and because we knew we would love each other one day.

haleys pov

ugh cloe bug wake up baby first day of school,are you excited?

fuck no ma... was all I got outta her well fuck...

cloeys pov

Haley woke me up this mornin and I got ready I decided on black skinnys a white top a jack wills hoodie and white flats a put on mascara and a little bit of gloss and straightened my hair, I was goin down stairs when I walked by Haley and joshs room and saw josh pacing back and forth while him and Haley talked "babe I dunno how I feel about her going to mshs I hated that place" he said looking scared I burst in "dad I can do this trust me okay" I said hugging him and smiled walked downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal "who the heck is takin me to school?" I yelled josh came down in his pajama pants and a tshirt with his silver high tops "I am Haley gets about much sleep as me so I'm dropping you off then coming home and trying to sleep myself, so let's go kiddo" he said I yelled bye and I love you to Haley and we walked out to joshes BMW his car he had before he meet haley. we got to the school and he dropped me off I walked in and found my locker I put my bags in when a girl came up behind "your the new girl from the states right?" she asked "yea im cloey" I said "well I just wanna say your dad josh be was a freak when he went here and you will be to ,remember its down the road not a across the street" she said with venom in her voice oh goody this year was going to be fun I couldn't wait!!!!

somebody's got to tell me what to do(josh ramsay fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now