Chapter 6

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Blaine woke up a couple of hours later, he felt cold and alone. Then he realised that Kurt wasn't in the room. He jumped up and looked around, then he saw a note on top of his phone. He picked up the note and began to read it.

Hey, you fell asleep when watching the movie so I let myself out. Text me when you wake up so I know you're okay- Kurt x

He smiled at the note. He grabbed his phone and checked the time 10.38am. He unlocked his phone and texted Kurt.

Hey, I just woke up and saw your text. I had a lot of fun. Sorry I fell asleep- Blaine x

A minute later, Blaine's phone lit up.

It's okay, you looked really tired. And I had fun too- Kurt xx

Blaine smiled at the text. He flopped back down on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

Kurt was special. He was kind, caring, funny, beautiful. He was just... perfect. Blaine didn't know why, but whenever he was around Kurt, he would get butterflies in his stomach. He had never had that, even when he was making out with the hottest girls at the school. Something about Kurt was different, he just didn't know what.


It was Monday, everyone was dragging themselves around school, no one was energised. Well, except Rachel.

"Guys don't you understand, we need to practice! Regionals is soon we need to be the best we can be!" She was screaming at all of the glee club.

"Rachel, we just won sectionals. So calm down and take a break." Finn said, knowing he would be the only one she'd listen too. Rachel huffed and sat down. After a while, Kurt stood up and got ready to walk away.

"I've got to go to my locker guys, see you later." Kurt said, everyone waved at Kurt as he left.

Kurt walked down the halls on the way to his locker. He eventually got to his locker and opened it and got out his necessary books. As he was about to shut his locker, someone grabbed his shoulder and whipped him around while pinning him to the set of lockers. Kurt looked up and saw none other than Karofsky. He was standing there with his letterman jacket on, and a smirk on his face.

"Sup lady." He spat. Kurt tried to walk away but Karofsky grabbed him and slammed him into the lockers. Kurt yelped in pain, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to pour down at any second.

"I don't need to shoving all your fairy dust in our face, fag!" Karofsky said.

"I wasn't doing anything, I was literally just at my locker! I don't know what I've done to you. Just because you're uncomfortable with someone not being extraordinary normal doesn't mean you need to take it out on me. So, you want to hit me? You want to beat me up? Go ahead. But I swear to you I will never change. I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me. So go ahead, hit me!" Kurt practically shouted in Karofsky face. Karofsky's face turned red with fury.

"Fine, I will!" Karofsky shouted. He raised his fist and swung at Kurt face. Kurt dropped to the floor in pain, his nose was bleeding like crazy. Karofsky picked Kurt up by the shirt and was getting ready to throw another punch, when he was interrupted by a voice at the end of the hall.

"HEY! What the hell are you doing!" Blaine shouted, sprinting down the hall. Karofsky turned to face Blaine and chuckled.

"Oh look Kurt it's your boyfriend coming to the rescue." He sniggered. Blaine pushed Karofsky off of Kurt, while never taking his eyes off Karofsky.

"Don't you remember what happened last time? Do you want to go there, because I will gladly hit your ugly face!" Blaine shouted. Karofsky stepped closer to Blaine, before scoffing and walking off. Blaine watched Karofsky until he was out of site, and then turned to face Kurt.

"Kurt are you alri- shit your nose, it's bleeding." Blaine said walking over to Kurt. Blaine stuck out his hand, Kurt took it and they walked to the bathroom. Once they were there, Blaine got some toilet roll and put it to Kurt's nose until the bleeding stopped. They didn't say anything to each other, just stood there, looking into each other's eyes.

"Thank you, for standing up for me. You know you didn't need to do that." Kurt finally said, breaking the silence. Blaine stepped back to properly look at Kurt face.

"Kurt, I would do anything for you. We're friends, maybe even best friends? You're an amazing person and you don't deserve to be treated like shit." Blaine said. Kurt softly chuckled. They finished getting cleaned up and headed out the bathroom.

"Do you want to sit with me at lunch later?" Blaine asked. Kurt turned to look at Blaine and smiled.

"I'd love too." Kurt said. Blaine smiled and whispered goodbye before walking to his next class.

Lunch rolled around quickly. Kurt left his class and walked out to the courtyard and saw Blaine sitting at a table. Kurt walked over and sat opposite Blaine. Blaine looked up and smiled at the fashionable boy sitting across from him.

"Hey." Blaine said. Kurt smiled and got out his salad. Blaine had already started to dig into his sandwich and cronuts.

"Hey Blaine." Kurt replied. They sat in a comfortable silence while eating their lunch. Blaine cleared his throat and began to talk.

"So I was wondering... if you'd want to go to Breadstix's with me?" Blaine asked shyly. Kurt looked up with wide eyes, then laughed at how adorable Blaine was being.

"Y-Yeah, of course." Kurt chocked out. Blaine's face lit up, he was smiling like an idiot. Blaine stood up from the table.

"Great. Tomorrow, 7pm?" Blaine asked, Kurt nodded.

"Okay, cool. Well I've got to go, football practice. I'll see you later." Blaine said, smiling at kurt before walking away.


Hey, I'm really enjoying writing this story. I love Klaine so much, like they're pretty much the only reason I re-watch Glee (which I'm doing right now lol). I'm going to try and update this story regularly, but school, singing and piano lessons and other stuff are keeping me really busy, but I'll try my best. I've got some good stuff planned for this story so I'm really excited to continue writing. Also sorry this chapter was shorter than the others, but I wanted them at Breadstix to be a new chapter, and also it's really late right now lol xx

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