Chapter 23

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Kurt was really nervous. Sure he had been out to dinner with Blaine, but they had never been on a real date. What should he wear? Where were they going? What do you talk about on a date? A million questions were running through Kurt's head. He decided to wear a white button up shirt, black trousers, a navy blue waistcoat, black dress shoes, and a dark purple with white dots ascot. He sat at his desk and spent thirty minutes perfecting his hair. He grabbed his phone and saw a text message.

Hey, I'll be at your house to pick you up in around 30 minutes xx- Blaine

Kurt quickly typed a reply.

Okay, see you soon :) xx- Kurt

Kurt walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Where Carole was, making dinner.

"Look who's all dressed up, going somewhere?" Carole asked. Kurt stood there awkwardly.

"Um... yeah actually, I'm going to get dinner with Blaine." Kurt said quietly. Carole turned around and gave him a suspicious look.

"On a date?" Carole asked. Kurt shook his head.

"N-no, we're going to chat about glee club and stuff lien that, just as friends. Also about the fact that we've got a duet at nationals." Kurt said. Carole dropped the spoon she was using in shock.

"Wait, you got a duet at nationals? Oh my gosh Kurt that's amazing!" Carole shrieked, she ran up to Kurt and gave him a huge hug.

"I told dad yesterday when I got home, and you weren't there because you were at work. I wanted to tell you about it in person." Kurt said while smiling. Carole was so happy.

"Kurt I'm so proud of you, I can't wait to see you sing your heart out on that stage." Carole said. She let go of Kurt and walked back over to the food she was making.

"Well I hope you have fun on your friend date with Blaine." Carole said. Kurt smiled and walked into the living room. Twenty five minutes later, the door bell rang. Kurt jumped up and walked to the front door. When he opened the door the was met with the most glamorous sight. Blaine as wearing a red checkered shirt, red jeans with a black belt, a white bow tie and black shoes. his hair was perfectly gelled back, but there wasn't too much gel as Blaine knew Kurt liked his natural hair. Reality was finally hitting Kurt, he was dating Blaine Anderson, he was going on a date with Blaine Anderson. The Blaine Anderson that was highly popular, the Blaine Anderson that all the girls loved. That guy was Kurt's.

"Wow.. you look stunning." Blaine said. Kurt smiled and stepped closer to Blaine, shuttling he front door behind him.

"Thank you, so you do." Kurt said. Blaine took Kurt's hand and walked him to his car. When they got to the car, Blaine opened the passenger door for Kurt.

"Such a gentleman." Kurt chuckled. Blaine shut the door and got into his own side.

"Where are we going?" Kurt asked as they began to drive.

"It's a surprise." Blaine simply said. Kurt rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Blaine laughed at how childish Kurt was being.

"Don't worry, you're going to love it." Blaine said. After driving for forty five minutes, Blaine parked outside a fancy building.

"Primavista? Blaine this place isn't cheap." Kurt said. He couldn't believe that Blaine had picked a fine dining place like this.

"It's okay Kurt, you're worth it. Now come on." Blaine said, he took Kurt's hand and they walked into the restaurant together.

"Reservation for Anderson." Blaine said to the lady. She looked down her list then smiled.

"Right this way." She said. They followed her to a table that had a huge window next to it, the view was beautiful. The two boys sat down and the lady handed them a menu then walked away.

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