5• We have to fix this

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Beetlejuice sadly looked at you and Candy on the patio. He just wished you could remember at least a small fragment of him, he missed you more everyday. Not to mention Lexi also, he wanted his family back to normal. But he felt like that was long gone from now.

"Okay so Candy... Who is that man?" You questioned and you snuck a glance at Beetlejuice.

"That's my friend... Lawrence... He uh, he's your ex?" Candy said trying to help Beetlejuice's case.

"No... I've been single since highschool, there's no way." You said bluntly.

Candy sighed and put her head on her hand, wishing this was all some kind of dream. "Listen, it's a long story... A one that's awfully hard to explain."

You groaned as you slipped back in your seat. 'a long story, what's there to know...' you thought and rolled your eyes. "Candy uh, I think I'mma go... It was nice to meet Lawrence and see you again..." You said awkwardly and walked back into the living room and to her front door.

Once the door clicked shut Beetlejuice's eyes darted to Candy. "So uh... What'd she say?"
"First of all, she remembers nothing of you, second you creep her out."

"I'm going to kill myself..." He mumbled as his hand went through his hair.

"So... What would happen if you killed yourself again?" Candy questioned as she sat down.

"Well I'd go back to how I was before... I'd be a demon and you have to summon me by saying my name three times."
"The real Y/n would be upset you've done that, but it might be the only way..." Candy said as she gave him a symthetic look.

They sat for a minute in the silence. It wasn't too awful, it just lasted a while. Finally Candy broke the silence, "I think we should get to get... It's kinda late."
"Yea I guess, g'night..." Beetlejuice said sadly

"Night Bj..."

And they fell asleep.

You finally made it home and got bored. You wanted to watch some movies but with someone. So you decided to call Ryder, your old college friend.

Once he answered you both talked for a bit til you asked if he wanted to come over and have a movie marathon. He accepted gladly and was shortly.

"Hey Y/n, how have you guys been?" Ryder greeted you as you opened the door.

"Uh, who else are you talking about?" You laughed as you led him inside.

"Lawrence and Lexi... By the way where are they?"

You gave him a 'seriously' look and groaned. "Honestly, how do you know Lawrence... And who the hell is Lexi!" You yelled.

"Lawrence is your husband, and Lexi is your daughter... Unless I got you confused with another person." Ryder said more confused this time.

"Listen, I'm single... And I have no kids, you're probably thinking of someone else." You groaned and threw yourself on the couch "let's just get on with the movies, we're binging all the marvel movies..."

He let out a nervous laugh, but continued to sit and watch with you. A few movies in, you get getting closer to Ryder. When you were half way done with the movie you were currently watching, your eyes met as you looked at each other.

"Y/n..." He whispered.

You grabbed his face and kissed him. A part of the author died as she wrote that, but you kissed Ryder. You somehow felt what you've done was wrong but yet felt so right. You two eventually parted for air. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and he put his arm around you.

A part of Beetlejuice needed your embrace. Missed the way you kissed his neck. Missed the way you looked at him. He couldn't stand it anymore, he wrote a not to Candy thanking her for all she's done. Then made sure Candy didn't hear him as he packed a little bag, and he snuck off. He walked for a while til he came up to a wooded area. The trees were dark and the grass almost blending in with the black night sky. He changed back into his stripped suit, and began to climb a tree.

"Y/n baby, I'm coming for you..." He whispered under his breath.

Like like Dear Evan Hansen, he looked down from the tall tree... And jumped. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. He saw all his memories he cherished the most. Tears ran down his face as he hit the ground. He could barely open his eyes. He just lay there in a puddle of his own blood. And he soon died.

The sun light showered through Candy window. She was blinded by the light until she finally decided to get up. She walked into the kitchen and got stuff out to make pancakes.

"Yo Beej, I'm making breakfast... Get your ass up." She laughed as she poured the batter in the pan.

"Beej, you want breakfast or not?" She yelled a bit louder.

"For Christ sake be-" she stopped herself as she saw he wasn't there. But in the coffee table lay a note. Not the greatest if handwriting... Or the greatest of spelling, but she knew it was from Beetlejuice.

Candy, im sory i didnt tell u wut i was going to do, but please by the tim you read this... say my name three times.

'oh shit'... Candy thought sadly while tears pricked her eyes.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" she sobbed out.

And soon enough, there he was standing right in front of her.

"Beej! Why did you do it!" She cried out and hugged him.

"I did this for Y/n, I can't live without her..." He sighed "and when did you start to like me"

"It's a girl think, shut up!"

"But anyway... I have to go to the Netherworld and find my mom, though nobody probably wants to see my face back there... So do you wanna come with, I promise you don't have to die to go with me..."

"The Netherworld... And why wouldn't they want to see you, isn't she your mom?" She questioned.

"Yes, but I was treated horribly so I went to form my own job... I'm a bio exorcist." He chuckled.

"A bio what?"

"I'll explain later, you in..?"

Good morning... Or goodnight... It's good morning for me sooo...

Anyway hope y'all enjoyed, this chapter kinda got me ._. but eh, I gotta get this story moving somehow... But like, that vote button is fun to press so like... ;)
Nah, votes and comments are welcome, I love to read all your comments tho. And yea!

Author out! 👊

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