Rapunzel: the weave tale

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One day rupunzel was smokin' the happy flower. Y'know because it was 4:20 yo. She was doing it with flynn when they where in her litty ass room. When that white castle horse rolled up in up in his pimp ride aka a tricycle.

When he got closer to them he asked "bitch wheres my tail"

Rapunzel looks at him as she was lost in thought.

" hey flynn, what is life?" She asked while shes left dumbfounded and stumped on the question.

"I don't know,  why is Maximus on a tricycle and talking?" He asked and she looks more confused and her eyes are wide and red.

"I think your high..." She says patting his back with a concerned look on her face.

"Woa hold up,  who brought the happy flower in the castle?" Flynn says

"Last time i saw a happy flower was when i sang the magical song... I think it goes...

Flower jump so high
Make me go so high
Make the world go chill
Bring me the super high
Really highhhhh

(If you don't know what happy flower means, it means weed)

"Wait why does your non glowing hair remind me of something?"max asked as he inspects her head.

And he also takes notice that her hair now turns green when she sings that song.

"Oh,  you mean my weave? Umm its 100% horse hair. With a tint of happy flower." She explains while casually bushing her hair back.

Then flynn snatches her weave and puts it on.. When he puts it on he gains the power of the happy flower and that power went to his head and put happy flower all over the room. And rupunzels hair fell out because due to all the happy flower. It was too much for her it was too mellow and her hair let loose and she became bald. But she didn't care at all because all the happy flower they created...

Soon enough they blacked out due to the happy flower......

And it was all a hillusination besides the weave that was real for a unknown reason. So to find out they went to the security cameras. And and to their surprise...

The came running in the Castle and with a clump of horse hair,  and they where running with it for like a hour. Just in circles. They skip a head to the weed song that they created because they thought it was that lit as it was in thier hillusinations... Turns out it was just the regular song just with the melody being "happy flower" repeated over and over again. And when she sang the healing song it glowed alot because she healed Maximus tail and thats why it was back.

When they turn back to Maximus they see he has the horse weave on his head and he magically grows a finger and flips them off and rides a trisicle out of the castle.

the end

Good job max and stealing back them weaves for them bald bitches everywhere.

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