harry potter the dark rising

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Chapter 6

The next morning harry was woken up by mcgonagall and Snape to tell harry he must leave because voldemort attacked hogwarts to lure harry there which put the students in even more danger so harry and the weasleys left for potter mansion.

At potter mansion harry was surprised when he saw Severus Snape's face asking if he could come over harry said "of course" when he arrived he said to harry that he and a few slytherin's wanted harry's help to plan attacks on inner circle death eaters harry agreed and started planning.

A few days latter harry was introduced to the 4 slytherin's who wanted voldemort dead for breaking up therefamily's there was Draco Malfoy, Nott, a second and third year harry never knew. They all swore to help bring voldemort and his death eaters so they decided to go for the most dangerous first so they would be attacking bellatrix and her husband first.

On the night of the attack Snape heard that bellatrix would be going on a mission to kill as many muggels as they could but Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Snape, Draco and Nott would be waiting to attack them so they apparated and waited to spring there plan.

When they arrived they were hiding down a side alley when bellatrix appeared with 4 other death eaters and harry said to Snape "i thought you said there would only be her and her husband" Snape also looked surprised but they all attacked anyway.

Harry was duelling bellatrix and Ginny was duelling her husband when bellatrix said to Harry "does itty witty potter want to join his filthy parents"that's when harry lost it and sent the killing curses straight at bellatrix who couldn't move out of the way fast enough and was hit in the chest what happened next was Ginny got hit by 3 different curses and the death eaters fled with bellatrix's body.

When harry reached Ginny she got up and said who are you and where am I harry knew one of those spells was a memory spell and harry said to Ginny "I am your husband" and she said "no your not im not married".

next chapter up tomorrow hopefully vote and comment.

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