Harry potter the dark rising

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Chapter 10 

The next morning Harry and Draco told everyone else they were away to Diagon alley and would be back as quick as they could but they all insisted to go with them so when they arrived they went straight to Gringotts and Harry Spock to Griphook and told him to tell the Malfoy's when they returned from there vaults and he showed harry down to his vault were he took out 400 galleons and some dark arts and potion books.

When Harry returned to griphook's office and the Malfoy's said thank you harry but we cannot accept this it is to much harry said "Narcissa without you and Draco we could not have gotten this far and consider it a Christmas present" Griphook then turned to the weasleys and said "You can all move back into your home we have put the fidelius charm on your house and Mr potter is the secret keeper.

Later in the day the harry was away by him self buying Christmas presents for everyone when he found a locket and it says love you more than my own life harry bought it for Ginny he bought Hermione a book Ron a chudley cannon set of cloths and asked them to let Ron play for them as keeper so they ok after Christmas he got everyone else odd's and bob's and they all met up with each other and went home.

Back at Potter Mansion Harry told everyone he was taking Ginny on holiday with him to Spain and would be back in two weeks so they went and packed while they were packing Ginny said "Harry I really do love you but you do to much stuff for me and my family" Harry looked at her shocked and said "well I love you and you'r family has always been like my family and family help each other". When they were done packing they went down stairs to say good bye to the rest of the family and harry and Ginny left.

While Harry and Ginny were away Potter Mansion was some how found and under attack the weasleys and hermione had gotten everyone they knew there to help and then harry and  Ginny arrived and harry went mental flinging curses at all the death eaters then voldemort arrived and harry had t leave potter mansion to him. When they got to Grimmauld place they sealed the fireplace so no one could follow them through and harry was crying at the table and Ginny went over and said "don't worry harry we will get it back I promise".

The next day the death eaters were going everywhere in potter mansion but couldn't get up to the higher level's or the basement because Blaze and the rest of the elf's used there magic mixed with white magic to keep them to the first floor not even Voldemort could brake through it. So they left and the elf's got harry and the rest back.

Later they put every protection up they knew even the elf's the put black magic, blood magic, white magic, elf magic and the goblins put there magic up which made this place safer than even hogwarts. While they were cleaning up harry found a note from voldemort saying you cant hide for ever potter" Ginny saw it and said "don't let that evil man get to you  Mr potter" and kissed him on the cheek.

1 week later Ginny found out she was pregnant with twin's Mrs weasleys was delighted Mr weasley was ok but Ron was mad he shouted "Why harry why the now during war" Harry looked upset and said "im sorry Ron I didn't mean for this to happen" Hermione said "Harry James Potter don't you dare let Ronald Weasley make you regret having children". Later Ron said "look harry I'm sorry about the way I reacted it's just she is my little sister and all"  Harry replied "Ron its fine I understand".

The week's following up to Christmas were uneventful on Christmas day they all woke up and went down stairs to be met by Andromeda and teddy Andromeda was crying and told harry she was dying and she wanted him to look after teddy she had got a rare magic disease which gave her one month to live so harry said you keep him till its time then i will look after him. So they stayed for Christmas and at midnight harry got a message from mcgonagall saying voldemort plans to attack Hogwarts tomorrow. 

next chapter up when i get 280 reads 3 votes and 5 comments please please please vote and comment and sugest this book to your freinds i also need fans            

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