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(I rewriting this entire book because it think i've gotten better at writing and i kinda used some stuff from another book without permission, sorry!!)

Izuku Midoriya, he seems happy enough doesn't he? That bright smile and shining eyes, always full of happiness and joy. Soft and fluffy curly green hair that seemed to bounce with every move he made. Dainty hands, warm and soft, a body most women dream of having (Even if he denies it). The most beautiful laugh, sounding like the soft tinking of chimes in the wind. Hundreds of freckles kissing his skin like stars in a galaxy (far far away~). Having tons of friends always saying how happy and fun he is to be around, and how he always tells the funniest jokes or wears the cutest outfits.
Hah, if only they knew.
What his friends see is a persona covered in makeup and lies, the things said being forced from his lips, that beautiful smile faltering every so often, being seen by few, but being ignored by all.
Fools, all of them oblivious to everything unperfect about the boy.
Because when the bright green haired boy walks home, he starts to slip, his perfect posture slumping a little, that pretty smile covered in strawberry lip gloss faltering as he get closer and closer to his little hell hole. His dainty hands become shaky and his eyes start to fill with fear as he hears a man yelling to himself and some other drunkies. The sound of glass bottles dropping on the ground and breaking causes the small male to jump a little, fear creeping into his body as a small hand shakily turns the doorknob.
'Its okay Izuku, just don't talk back, just say yes sir and no sir, make him happy and maybe you'll only get a small beating, maybe the friends wont be like last time'
He thinks in his head, opening the door as the men turn to him, the house smelling like whisky, gin, and little cannabis, cigarette smoke wafting in the air as the greenette walks inside, noticing the looks on the men's faces as they take in the small boy, their eyes bloodshot, the men licking their lips as if they were looking at a delicious meal (I mean you do be looking like a snacc-)
¨Why hello Izuku~¨ His father coos drunkenly, standing up and stumbling over to him, spilling a little bit of his beer on Izuku's peach colored blouse, dampening it, most likely leaving a stain.
¨H-hello papa¨ The green haired cutie stutters out, trying his best to not show fear to his father, knowing it will anger him to think is ¨precious baby boy¨ is afraid of (420 words heh) him.
His mother was away on another business trip, leaving the poor boy alone with his ¨father¨, if you could even call him that , meaning he could do whatever he wanted to the 15 year old teen.
The drunken male eyes him, leaning closer and smirking, his hot breath in the teens face, smelling of bourbon and whiskey.
¨Y-*hic*-You have some *hic* comp-*hic*-pany Izu~¨ He says slurred, hiccuping a bunch as his ¨friends¨ smirked at Izuku, a hungry look in their eyes as they take in the boy they're about to play with.
Izuku's emerald eyes filled with more fear, afraid of what was going to happen to him.
¨Y-yes da-papa¨ He quickly corrects himself, not wanting his father to know he's slipping or he'll beat him harder, trying to ¨beat the little¨ out of him.
His father, Hisashi, raises an eyebrow and hiccups, smirking more and nodding. ¨Go *hic* s-*hic*-say hi kitten~¨ he slurs as he strokes the boys curly green hair with a large scarred hand, a hand he uses to beat the small teen.
¨Y-yes p-papa¨ the boy says as he walks over to the men, going in front of them, trying to not show any fear.
¨Well hello there little kitty~¨ one of the men, Enji, says, holding a rolled up bud of weed in between his fingers, puffing out some smoke in the teens face.
Izuku coughs a little before bowing. ¨H-hello sir, it's n-nice to m-meet you¨ He says in the most normal voice he can muster, forcing himself to not slip into his space.
Enji eyes him up and down before smirking, patting his lap. ¨Why don't you come and sit in daddy Enji's lap~¨ he coos in a dark, drunken voice.
Izuku hesitated for a second before hearing a growl from his father, squeaking and climbing in his lap. ¨Y-yes sir¨
Enji shakes his head. ¨Its daddy to you kitten~¨
The green hair teen bites his lip and nods ¨Y-yes d-daddy¨ 'dont slip Izuku, don't slip'
The large electric blue eyed male put his hands on the teens waist, grinning wickedly. ¨Im so excited to play with my kitty~¨
¨Me too Enji, don't forget about us~¨ a raven haired male said, Dabi, as he snickered along with the boys father, Hisashi.
¨Oh i didn't~ Kitten will let all of us play with him, wont he~¨ the fiery male said as less of a question and more as a fact.
Izuku shuddered and nodded, being obedient out of fear of a harsher beating after the males leave, or if he's unlucky, his father will let them help beat him.
Dabi and Haisashi chuckles darkly and stand on either side of then teen. ¨Why dont we take this to the room, Sashi?¨ Dabi says.
The dark green haired male chuckles and nods, smirking. ¨Alright~¨
Enji gets up and takes Izuku to a room in the back of the disgusting house, plopping the small teen on the bed and turning the light on. The room has a large bed with some chains on the bed frame, the drawers in the bedside table being filled with lube, sex toys, and other things for Hisashis ¨friends¨ to use on his son.
Izuku trembled just a little, earning a slap to the cheek from his father. ¨Stop being a *hic* scared l-*hic*-little bitch~¨ he snarls out, chaining the scared teen to the bed.
Izuku nods, trying to not slip and tear up, biting his lip. ¨Y-yes s-sir¨
Daku grins wide and removes the teens shirt, going and removing his pants as well, revealing some lacy, pretty little mint and white panties.
¨My my~ Such a cute little doll aren't you?~¨ Dabi cooed, leaning down and starting to kiss the greenettes neck and shoulders.
Izuku nodded obediently, shaking just a little, closing his eyes to try and go to his happy place.
After a moment he felt another slap, this one stinging harder then the other.
¨I asked you a fucking question, you need to answer me¨ Dabi growled out, slapping him with a scarred hand, the staples in them digging into the teens cheek, making it bleed a little.
The green haired boy shook more. ¨Y-yes d-daddy, i-im yo-your cute l-litle d-doll¨ he says as sweetly as possible.
¨And a good doll will let us play with him wont he?~" Izuku's father smirked as he cooed this out in a dark and looming voice.
¨Y-yes p-papa~¨ Izuku says softly, submitting out of growing fear.
¨Good boy~ I promise we'll make you feel so good~¨ Dabi purred, even though it was a lie. The men didn't care about if the teen felt good.

Enji smirked. ¨Well lets get started~¨ He said as the three mens stripped and gagged the small teen. ¨Time to play~¨

Skip because i cant write that, it's too much for my Izu bb and it's mean to those that have been raped or sexually abused

Izuku woke up a few hours after it all happened, unchained from the bed, having a big headache, his lower back and throat aching.
He sighs and gets up, seeing his drunken father passed out on the couch, the teen rushing to his room and locking the door.
As he locks the door, he finally lets himself slip into his space, smiling wide as he goes to his small bed, the blanket soft and a pretty pink color with some pink pillows, something he bought with his own money. His room was a bit girlish, a few stuffies hidden around the room so his father doesn't throw them away like the last ones.
Izuku giggles softly and changes into a big hoodie a nice woman gave him and some shorts, climbing on the bed and getting his stuffed bunny, smiling wide and kissing it's head, hugging it tight. ¨Did you miss me Ellie?¨ The teen asks the stuffie in a more babyish voice, giggling when the bunny ¨nods it's head¨.
¨A-aww i m-missed chu too Ellie!~¨ he giggles out, babbling to the stuffed bunny and squealing happily when it agrees with him. ¨I w-wanna ma-make u pwetty!~¨ Izuku says excitedly as he gets up grabs a brush and some pretty clips and doll dresses, coming back and starting to give Ellie her ¨makeover¨, smiling and babbling to himself.
¨Aaaaaand donesies!!¨ He smiles and looks at the bunny, the toy wearing a frilly blue dress and some yellow bows on it's ears, a bracelet on it's foot. ¨You so pwetty Ewwie!¨ He giggles out and hugs the stuffie tightly, yawning and climbing back into bed.

¨I sweepy Ewwie, are u s-sweepy??¨ He yawns as he moves the bunnies head to 'yes', smiling softly and cuddling with her.

¨Night night Ewwie, i wub u~¨ Izuku says in a sleepy voice as he drifts off to sleep, hugging the stuffie close to him as he curls up under the blanket, not knowing there were 4 men coming to save him from his locked up cage.....

Helllooooooooo!!!~ Im rewriting this book and i hope ive gotten better, PLEASE give meh feedback, i want to get better at writing and tell me what you wanna see!!! Bye bye!!

Rewrite: 4.29.20

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