Alois x Ciel

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Ciel looked on, his infamous resting bitch face reposed habitually on his young and pale face. His head rested on his right hand, his left hand drumming softly on his desk. From an outside perspective, this scene would have looked normal. It was not new to see the Phantomhive teenager look uninterested and bored for he always did which is the reason why most people avoided him. His unapproachable appearance earns him very few friends but lots of timid people as his little followers. He is, after all, the heir of the Funtom Corporation, famous for its charity events and business investments for all things beneficial to children. As said before, Ciel looked normal but the truth is told, he was raging inside his head, screaming out the worst of insults in all the languages he was fluent in. He was practically ready to kill and torture his boyfriend and the bimbo flirting her fake ass off. He didn't like the sight of being seated a few desks away from him. At all.For the most part, the ebony-haired heir felt disgusted and a bit hurt at Alois's actions. He would have been okay if he was ignoring him and talking to someone else but deciding to spend their silent treatment towards each other with a faux-bodied tramp who would open her legs for anything that has a dick? Ciel has never felt more betrayed and ticked off. Trust Alois Trancy to bring out the worst and best in him.If he were in a worse mood, he would have called the principal to fire the substitute since the goddamn person was dozing off in his chair, drool trickling down his jaw in an unappealing manner. Put that together with one asshole of a boyfriend and an overbearing slut, not exactly a great sight to his already withering day.A snort was heard coming from the seat next to him, a hand moving to place itself on the shoulder of the perfectly calm but discreetly fuming teenager. "What's up with Alois Making heart eyes that are floozy?" Ciel sighed inaudibly through his nose before turning to the curious blond looking as disgusted as him."Honestly," he threw a glance at them, shrugging, "I have not the slightest idea what he is doing and why."Finny looked at him incredulously. "Don't know? Of course, you do! You little shits are practically glued to each other's asses 24/7 and you expect me to believe that you don't know?"Ciel stared boredly at him, his head slightly tilted before answering, "Just because we're always together doesn't mean I know everything about his life. And you really can't call him a little shit because he's a shit ton taller than you while on the other hand, I wouldn't object to you calling me that because I am a shitty person and short as fuck." Ciel's gaze flickered back to the tall raven and a tinge of jealousy fired up in his eyes before it was gone. "On second thought, Alois may be tall but he's a piece of shit too."The blond smirked at him, his tongue going in between his lips as his fingers laced together. "Extra sassy today, I see?" He laughed loudly while the irked teenager rolled his eyes, his lips turning up a bit which went unnoticed by Alois. "Can't help it now can I? Now fuck off, Trancy, or did you want to take up more of my precious space and air?"It was the blond's turn to roll his eyes. "You're such a bitch, you know that?"At least I don't go all around the academy in booty shorts, flirting with every gay-assed man I see just to make someone jealous, you slut."Alois burst out laughing at his statement, nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, well I'm just a unique and wonderful person!" Ciel shook his head, head turned down to try to hide his small smile. Alois always puts him in a good mood when they have these conversations - though he knew that people who hear them find their discussion very disrespectful and insulting - and if he wanted to be honest, he was secretly really grateful for the one he calls 'slut' because he's been there for Ciel since childhood. Their parents were the best of friends and it continued up to adulthood which is why both teenagers are as close as brothers.Ciel lifted his head, about to retaliate when a loud, shrill laugh caused a disturbance towards both of them. Ciel inwardly growled in annoyance and jealousy as he glared at Alois's charming and hot as fuck smile. He's such an asshole. I want to fucking stab his ridiculously sinewy physique repeatedly until his insides burst and his limbs disintegrate."Aww, ~ Ciel-chan, why do you look like that?" Ciel immediately regained his composure, his face going back to its stoic and curt expression before looking up, eyes cold and deeply uninterested. "Look like what?" The girl pouted, crossing her arms in a way that she deemed as cute - but to Ciel, it looked desperate and irksome. "Ciel-chan! You know what I mean! Why were you looking at me and Sebby like you were planning our murder~?"Ciel mentally scoffed at her words. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I was only planning for Alois's murder, not yours. Only his blood deserves to touch my skin. The likes of you don't deserve to be exterminated by me, my hands would get too dirty and it would waste my precious time. But if you're so interested to know, Alois will take care of your death since he's always ready to get his hands dirty and doesn't care who he kills.Instead of saying that though he just looked up, giving a look that made most people who knew him off to run away, since the life form in front of him was brainless, 'it' just stayed there, standing and trying to look like an appealing entity when in reality she looked like one of those actors you would see in a highly educational, erotic short films found on toxic sites. In short, fake, slutty, and too dramatic. Ciel looked like he was just about to say the most disrespectful of insults at the girl when the devilish man who was the ultimate source of Ciel's annoyance swooped in. "Hannah, let me talk to Ciel for a moment. Why don't you go back to our seats and guard them?" 'Hannah' pouted before turning and stomping back to her seat next to Sebastian's, sulking at the demand she was given.Alois sighed softly, turning his head to face the raven who stared right back at him, face once again void of any emotion. "Ciel, you-"

The bell rang just in time and Ciel immediately stood up with grace, grabbing his bag and said with as much politeness and courtesy in his voice, "You can tell me later, Trancy. I don't want to be late." With that, he left with his head held high, dignity still intact but heart slowly tearing.

Alois stared at his empty desk, rethinking what just happened when he felt a harsh slap on his face. His head tilted up, a glare etched on his porcelain face. Alois scoffed at his actions. "You think I'm scared of you? Well, I'm fucking not, dipshit. Before you make another mistake and hurt my best friend again, fucking go after him and give the most heartfelt apology you can muster with that non-existent heart of yours." With a sigh and a glare directed toward the blond who gave zero shits, he nodded before dashing out of the room and running after Ciel. The Trancy-born teenager shook his head. What would those two dense idiots do without him?"Ciel! Ciel, hey, wait for me!" Alois found him at his locker flanked by Finny and Elizabeth. "Hey, um, can you guys leave us alone for a while?" Lizzie narrowed her eyes at him before Ciel gave her a look she understood. Finny gave Alois a soft smile before he was pulled away from the couple, leaving both of them alone in the hallway.

Ciel stared at him, eyes apathetic, waiting impatiently for the taller of the two to speak. "Well? 

What did you want to tell me?"

Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Ciel's eyebrows arched a look of utter surprise etched on his pallid face. "Come again?"

Alois sighed deeply, his hand running itself through his black hair. "I'm sorry for being an asshole and making you jealous. I didn't mean to hurt you."

The shorter raven scoffed, crossing his arms. "Who said I was jealous?" The red-eyed teenager rolled his eyes before pulling his boyfriend into his arms, wrapping him in a warm and cozy embrace that earned him a yelp of surprise. "Stop denying it, babe."

A small huff sounded against his chest and Ciel's muffled voice said, "I hate you." Alois smiled fondly at him, kissing his hair and breathing its homey scent. "I love you too."

Ciel slowly wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face into Alois's neck. "Don't think I've forgiven you that easily."

The taller of the two tightened his grip and sighed into Ciel's hair, stroking his back softly while he mumbled, "I know, baby. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"It hurt." Ciel lifted his face from Alois's chest, looking up at him, eyes full of emotion. "Seeing you with that girl. It hurt a lot. That's never happened before." The small raven smiled at him softly. "You are so amazing, Alois."

Alois looked at him in astonishment before he grinned back, leaning down and kissing his lover fully and passionately on the lips.

"I love you so much, Ciel." 

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