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sophie pov
i say bye to dylan and go to find my locker.
i'm not gonna lie but dylan was really cute and super sweet

i find my locker and see a girl standing there looking at her phone

"hi, do you know where Mrs. Martinez's classroom is?" i ask the girl

"yes actually, i have her next period" she says smiling

"cool. i'm sophie but you can call me soph" i smile
"haley but you can call me hales"

dylan pov
"hey dylan, look who's over there" payton says
he points at ava by the lockers with haley morales

"stop" i say and push payton

"dude your blushing" payton says

sophie pov
"uh soph, dylan and payton are staring at you" haley says with her eyes popping out. "wha- really?"

i turn around to see dylan and payton staring at me and talking about something

"do you know them" haley asks me "yea i actually met one of them earlier" i say

the bell rings and me and haley walk to class

we walk in and notice dylan and payton are in our class , oh no

"hello class. i am mrs. martinez. i am going to put you guys in a seat with another person and that is where you will sit for this semester"
"i could have sworn that there was 6 of you" the teacher says

she puts me in front of the class dammit i can't use my

all of a sudden a guy walks in and he's so hot. blonde hair blue eyes. he's adorable.

"where should i park?" he says

that deep voice oh my..

"i knew it. take a seat next to sophie, zephan" the teacher says

"okay class. today i'm going to put you guys into groups of two for the project" mrs martinez says.

a project on the first day? tf

"you will be working with this partner for the rest of this semester."

i turn around to haley. "omg" i mouth to her
"lucky" haley whispers

"first pair is kevin and payton then dylan and haley and sophie and zephan"


we then go outside to work on our project

dylan pov
"you know that new girl?" i say to haley

"yea she is super nice , you should meet her" she says smiling.

"oh i met her already but-" she cuts me off "oh were you with caleb earlier?" she asks "yea but i just want to tell her something... i-"

"your so funny" zephan says laughing his ass off

he blows a kiss at sophie AHHHH

"i'm really starting to hate that zephan guy" i say angrily
he pulls his hand out so sophie can hold it. "here let's get out of here" zephan winks at sophie

ugh he stole her. i just wish soph knew that zephan always does this to ever girl he sees. he's such a player.

sophie pov
zephan brings me all the way to the building where the dorm rooms are

"wow, your quite the athlete" he says and smiles at me

he's so sweet and handsome

"yeahh.. people tell me that a lot" i lie.  he laughs
he starts to lean in and i close my eyes but then...

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