Chapter Twenty-Six

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For one week, the three of us hung out together. We were together since early in the morning to late at night. There wasn't a curfew so I was allowed to be in their room. We stole food from the kitchen and pigged out.

"What are we watching?" I asked as I settled between them. Mr and Mrs. Miller had just arrived. We had given them a tour of the school and now we were in the lounging rooms. Almost everybody had gone home for the holidays. We had the entire room to our selves.

"I don't know" Mr. Miller was flipping through the channels. "Do you guys want a Christmas movie?"

"No" we said at the same time. We had watched a lot of movies yesterday and they had been mostly Christmas movies. He found a comedy and we watched that instead.

On Christmas morning we woke up to falling snowflakes in the halls of the school. They disappeared as soon as they landed on the ground. Mrs. Joel had made us three matching sweaters so we were dressed alike. They were bright red knitted sweaters with a giant black G. I had gladly put mine on much to Thomas's dismay.

The Dining hall was fairly empty. There was only one large table set.

" Good Morning" the Headmistress waved us over. "Join us for breakfast"

They introduced each other. Byron walked in. I didn't know he had stayed.

"Where have you been hiding?" Dr. Nan signaled so he could sit down next to him. "I thought you went home for the holidays."

"I'm finishing up a proposal" Byron nodded at us. "I didn't know all of you had stayed" he barely looked at us.

"Mom-Dad" Thomas introduced his parents to Byron. "This is one of instructors- he is primarily Iris's instructor for swords."

"You are a little young" Mr. Joel took Byron's hand.

"I'm twenty-one sir." Byron chuckled.

"He is very talented for his age" Dr. Nan clapped Byron's shoulder. "He is in charge of training Thomas, Ezra and Iris. They improved quickly under his guidance. I should just retire."

"You cannot retire, sir. Not until I graduate" Byron laughed.

"Good morning all" My grandmother appeared.

"Andrea, lovely of you to join us." Dr. Langston called to her. "We thought you were going to miss Christmas breakfast"

"Those were old times, Joseph" My grandmother waved him off. My grandmother was dressed casually in a cashmere sweater and black slacks. "What are you three wearing?" My grandmother peered at my shirt.

"Mrs. Joel made them" I stood up for her to see it. "G- for the Guard" I smirked at my grandmother.

My grandmother laughed, taking a seat.

"Do you have anything planned for the day?" The Headmistress asked. "We have a Christmas Scavenger Hunt set up."

"That would be fun" I turned to the boys who groaned. They wanted to go back upstairs and hang out in their room.

"We usually go in pairs or groups of three" the Headmistress smiled at us. "Boys you can join your parents. Andrea will you join us?"

"Of course Allison" My grandmother rubbed my back. I turned to her with a smile. She usually was too busy to stay long.

"Perfect, we can start after opening our gifts" the Headmistress pointed behind me. I turned. There was a giant tree with different piles.

"Let's open them" Ezra jumped to his feet. Thomas and I got up joining him. The piles were labeled which was convenient.

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