Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I opened my eyes. I tried to take a deep breath but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed in my bed, panicking. Iris was having a nightmare. I could see everything in my head.

I stared up at the ceiling trying to move. I was rooted to my bed. I tried to open my mouth to call out to Thomas but I couldn't. I laid in the darkness trying to move.

My heart was beating erratically in my chest. I closed my eyes tightly trying to push out the horrible images in my head.

My mouth opened slightly. I concentrated on breathing in and out slowly

As soon as the night terror was over, I jumped out of bed.

"Thomas..thomas" I yelled at him. I grabbed my cloak and I wrapped myself with it. Thomas sat up immediately.

"What is it?" he hurried out of bed. "Where is Iris? Is she okay?" he was half asleep trying to put on his slippers on the wrong feet.

"She's having a nightmare" I replied. We ran down to the infirmary.

"What are you doing out of bed?" A professor yelled. "Get back to your room"

We ran past her not bothering to see who it was. We barged into the infirmary. I could hear her screaming. Iris was the furthest in the large room. Her curtain was drawn around her bed. Thomas pulled it. Iris was screaming loudly. There were tears running down her face.

"Iris" I grasped her shoulders. "Wake up" I shook her.

"I'll go get Nurse Gail" Thomas retreated.

"Iris, wake up. It is just a nightmare" I shook her until her eyes opened. She stopped yelling. "Look at me..." she closed her eyes. She kept crying. "Look at me Iris" she grasped her arms tightly not looking at me.

"look at me" I lifted her face. "You are safe- you are at school- with us. With Thomas and me" the tears wouldn't stop flowing. I touched her face but she cringed away from me. I could see her fingers tightening around her arms.

"Iris- tell me what is wrong. Please tell me" I begged her. I kneeled in front of her so she could look at me. "I can see it- I can see the nightmares. Just talk to me- say something" I placed my hand on her shoulder and she shifted away from me. She lifted her knees to her chest. The lights were flickered on.

"Boys get to bed" Nurse Gail told us. I turned to her. In her hand was a small bottle. "It will put her to sleep, not to worry."

I turned back to Iris. She was holding herself tightly. She was sobbing to herself quietly. Tears were streaming down her face relentlessly.

"But" I hesitated.

"Go to bed. Let me take care of her" Nurse Gail smiled at me. "You both go or ill give you detention"

I wasn't able to sleep the entire night. Her horrified face was etched in my head. It was going to take awhile for her to get better. In her head, she was still back at the cabin. We needed to get her out of her head for awhile so she could show some kind of emotion. Some kind of reaction.

I could hear Iris screaming from the hall. Thomas and I looked at each other. We hurried into the infirmary. The walls were scorched.

Iris was cowered in a corner. Her hands were over her head.


"Get out of here" Nurse Gail ordered. She was holding a needle in her hand. "I don't want you to get hurt." She turned to Iris.

"Let us" I motioned to her that we might get near Iris. Nurse Gail and the other nurses backed away.

"Iris- its okay" she lifted her head slightly. Thomas and I slowly walked towards her. "Iris"

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