Chapter 8 ~ Flashback

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school started its not easy to write and all . so onto the story . enjoy!

-America's POV

America was walking trough the streets to his house. and remembering some things that his mom told him

~Flash back~

France was in the garden when she called Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand over

"Yes mommy?" America asked.

 " When you guys get older you will find someone you love and fight for the love of your live. just be carefull what will happen kids.. you never know ehats on your path ." 

America was curious who his love of his live would be..

Canada happy said grabbing Netherlands hand:" I will marry Netherlands!"

they all laughed .

~End flashback~

America smiled. after looking for so long he found the one..

America walked in starbucks as he was kinda hungry. he saw Russia and walked over to him "Mind me sitting here?" Russia shook his head no . i sat down with my coffee and Belgium Chocolate cookie . "Hey Meri did u hear of prom? its over a week ." He said trying to start and conversation " Oh uh no i didn't  .. i didn't even got cloths!" i giggled. "so who are you taking to prom?" He asked. " Idk il probably  go alone ." russia nodded

 " uhh.. want to go together ?" 

i blushed. "ehh.. s..sure" i looked away seeing an countryhuman hiding his face behind an menu card (thats the word i think) the flag was red and i saw another hiding his face.. was that Peru, Germany, Netherlands and Poland? Nvm its not Peru but Canada.

"hows school?" i looked back at Russia . "Its okay .. just "scared" of someone killing the one to the other." He nodded. " Im actually happy with the killer. its killing the annoying people."

(No offense to Mexicans Japanese Chinese people or the one America also killed!)

America blushed slightly. and nodded. " excuse me someones calling me .." America stood up walking off to somewhere where there werent so many people. " Hello this is america."

" Hey america! Netherlands birthday is soon so me Germany, Belgium, Poland and Peru are hosting an party!" Canada said trough the phone. " Oh il help i guess.. i saw u guys.hankng out with china!" " AmericA i cAn ExpLain!" " I wonT hesItatE BitcH"

(ok joke joke)

" I saw you spying me." 

Canada laughed. " pfft u just noticed we are at home now bYe"

(sorry have to end it here i only have 2%!

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