A Twist of Fate

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Vampires, doppelgängers, werewolves, centaurs, elves, griffins, mermaids, fairies, wizards, magic, fate, destiny, soulmates, true love. A list of things that I do not believe in. The first ones are more convincing than the latter part. Even when I was a child I knew these things don't exist. I never seen or experienced them. My parents divorced when I was six, when in fact they vowed that only death could tear them apart. Now where is the love that they promised each other? It's gone. I told myself not to waste my time looking and searching for the one. Because it doesn't exist. I always thought everything that happens is just a mere coincidence. But here I am, questioning myself tons of what if's. Every night I ask myself what if I didn't miss my flight that day? What if I didn't quit my job in London? What if I didn't choose to move in San Francisco? What if? What if? So many what if's. That if something, even if just a small thing, happened then I wouldn't meet her. Then I will not be standing next to this girl.

Maybe it's fate, destiny, luck or what so ever. I don't care. As long as I have her I'm alright. Yes it may sound cheesy and all, but it's true. I'm glad that I missed my flight. I'm glad that I quit my job. I'm glad I moved in Cali. I'm so glad that I met you. I can't help but talk about fate because fate is fate. It is meant to happen. Everything is planned out. You can't escape it because it's meant to be.

I didn't mean to like her. Hell I didn't mean to fall in love. It just happened. She's stubborn, annoying, reckless. She gets mad for no reason. She's pissed at everything. She shouts almost all the time. She's complicated, demanding, frank. She's honest. She'll be sweet in the most unexpected time. She has a big heart. She can be shy and quiet. She's true to herself. She's everything good and at the same time bad. Oh she confuses me and makes me sure as well. She's my strength and my weakness. She brings the best out of me and the worst in a good way. She made me realize that there is more to life. She made me want to have someone, someone to grow old with. She made me want to be in a long lasting relationship. She made me want to get married, have children. She made me want to have a family. She made me want all the things that I thought I never wanted.

I love her. I love you Ellie. And I will love you even if the sun starts to rise in the west. Even if the seas gone dry. Even if heaven and earth collide. I'll love you even if you grow old and start having white hair and wrinkles. Even if you lose your teeth. Even if your bones become weak. Even if your memory starts to fail. I will love you. I will love you until the very end. You are my sun, my moon, my stars. You are the light that guides me home. You are the air I breath. To me you are everything that exists. You are my world, my everything. A million thanks is not enough for all the things that you have taught me. For the laughs and tears. For our crazy days and nights. Thank you El. Thank you for making me happy. And thank you for saying 'I do'.

Cheers for all the adventures we had and for the adventures that awaits us!

And that's supposed to be my wedding speech. Supposedly, I am now a husband, but that didn't happen. Supposedly I should be happy. Supposedly, I am having tears of joy instead of sadness and grief. I should be reciting my wedding speech for Ellie, not a eulogy. Well it seems like fate had a sudden change of plan.

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