Chapter 2 - Like A Princess

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"[Name]! [Name]!!"

You groaned and rolled over in bed, clutching your pillow over your head. Today was a rare day for you- it was a day off. No missions, no worries. And just like any other man or woman who got days off of work, you liked to spend your down time in peace. Not being woken up by some annoying person knocking on your bedroom window first thing in the morning. It was only when you heard the sound of the window sliding open and curtains fluttering that you sat up, half asleep and half ready to kick the intruder's ass. [Name] [Surname], usually a great and fearsome kunoichi, was absolutely rubbish straight after bed, especially after being woken up after a nice, long sleep.

"Sasuke! What the hell?!" you snapped begrudgingly, rubbing your eyes with one hand. You saw the Uchiha invite himself through your window, landing soundlessly on your carpeted floor. He slid the window closed, but threw the curtains open, making you hiss and reel back from the sudden light. He clutched a clipboard in his hands, and frowned as he stood beside you.

"Here." You narrowed your eyes at him and viciously snatched it from him, mumbling about how a kunoichi couldn't even get a decent night of sleep around here.

"What is this?" you snapped irritatedly, eyes still misty as you struggled to make out what was on the paper before you. Sasuke scowled, and took the clipboard back from you.

"You agreed to this mission, did you not?" he scoffed, lightly hitting the top of your head with the board. You let out a yelp of annoyance, and elbowed him in the gut before lying back down.

"Yes, I did. I agreed to the mission that starts next week," you muttered, turning over so that your back was facing Sasuke. You sensed him roll his eyes, and scowled even more as you wrenched your bed sheets over your head.

"Wrong," he announced loudly, throwing the clipboard down onto your head. It hit you with a gentle thud, making you scowl in annoyance. "You agreed to the mission that we leave for next week, but also the training that comes in before that."

You groaned, whining in protest.

"All I have to do is pretend to be a princess! What kind of training is there for something like that?!" you exclaimed, rolling onto your front and burying your face into your pillow.

"[Name], you're loud, bitchy, stubborn, and have a big mouth," comes his voice. "The reason I let you know in advance is because I knew you'd need to prepare yourself for the role."

"Oooooh, [Name] has to pretend to be Princess Yuki Kori-no-hime Kouhaya, wow!" you said sarcastically, scowling into the pillow. "I have to wear fancy clothes and do fancy stuff and talk to fancy people!! Big deal."

"Crown Princess Yuki Kori-no-hime Kouhaya," Sasuke corrected you, cocking an eyebrow and emphasising the "crown" bit. You groaned again, waving him away.

"Whatever! I don't need training!"

"[Name] [Surname], you signed an effing contract, and this is part of it. If you don't do the training part of the mission, you don't get paid at all."

"That's bullshit!" You sat up, throwing off your covers to look up at Sasuke through the tangled mess that was your bedhead. You glared at him, and he responded with his signature cold Uchiha stare. After a mini-stare off, Sasuke breaks his gaze away from yours and picks up the clipboard, beginning to read off of it.

"Okay, so the princess is good at singing, dancing, cooking, needlework, hunting, tea ceremony, and overall getting along with people," he said, eyes skimming the page. "Basically, everything you suck at. This is why you need to start getting trained, [Name]. She's a princess, not a commoner."

"Pssh, she's so... so... ugh," you snorted, amused that anyone would even think of those as plausible hobbies. Needlework? Hunting? What was this, the Pre-Warring States Era? No thanks. You didn't even know who Princess Yuki was, but the name in itself put you off the mission. You, a princess? No way in hell.

"So here, I've gotten your timetable ready for the rest of the week. Right now, you're due for a singing lesson with a music teacher I found down town. It took me forever to persuade your teachers, by the way, so you better make use of these lessons or I'll kill you!" said Sasuke, nostrils flared as he glared down at you with a malicious glint in his eye. You let out a loud yawn, stretching your arms.

"For fuck's sake," you yawned, smacking your lips repeatedly. Sasuke sighed, and crossed his arms.

"You know, [Name], sometimes I wish you weren't so... rough," he said, shaking his head. You rolled your eyes at him, yawning more.

"Well, too bad. You came crawling to me for help, so you can't complain," you said, wagging a finger in his face. Sasuke scrunched up his nose at you in distaste, shaking his head even more.

"You're right, I did come to you. But believe me, [Name], by the end of this week you'll be the perfect woman," he said, nodding approvingly as he pictured the end result of all his labour- you, being a real woman for once. No more of your tomboyishness or cussing or short-temper. No, by the end of this week, Sasuke planned for you to be the picture perfect princess, even if it mean tearing down the old [Name] and starting from scratch.

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