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Hi y'all.😂 I'm really sorry for not updating for awhile. Funny enough, I have the end of the story in my head already. I guess I was just too lazy to type it down. I really appreciate y'all who take time to read my story. Thanks.😂 Best believe I'm gonna wrap up the story... It's time I started writing another story right? We'll see how it goes...


"What do you mean by act in a film?"      It was hard to understand Sandra sometimes. Sandra was my personal assistant. (Quick summary; I had managed to publish my own book (by the grace of God) and it was a bestseller.) I was with my laptop trying to put together ideas for my new book when Sandra approached me that I'd been cast in a film.
"Tyler Boone specifically asked that you played the role. He even wants you to be the creative writer of the film. Do you know what this means?"
I could see her smiling from ear to ear. She was happy whenever I got to be in the spotlight because it meant she could meet other celebrities.
"Wait what? The 'Tyler Boone'? I love his movies! How did this happen?" Tyler Boone was the best director of films. His films managed to win Oscars with his direction. Why would he ask for me? I left the chair where I was seated to go meet Sandra who was helping her self to some Ice cream from the fridge.
"Apparently he came to Nigeria for the screening of one of his films and someone managed to give him your as a souvenir. I guess he fell in love with your writing."  Writing was something I was passionate about. It was really hard completing my book while in school. It became frustrating when I had to promote my book while in Law school. All my breaks were devoted to my book and promoting it all around the world. Mum became my Manager since the workload was much and people wanted to exploit me. Mum had hired Sandra for just a week to see how she'd fare but We came to love her. Nike had become a hotshot Tv host with her show being broadcast in New York. I hardly got to see her and Mum. Dad remained in our home working in the local government while Nike and Mum lived in New York. Immediately I arrived from the NYSC (Nigerian Youth Service Corps) after serving for a year, I headed to New York for a vacation with Nike and Mum. I came back few weeks ago since I had been hired to start a job as a Lawyer in a Firm. Mum was of the opinion I had to start somewhere since she felt I was depending on being a writer. I guess I just had passion for both being a Lawyer and a Writer. I sometimes wonder what made me go into writing... Could it be because of...
"Hello..." Sandra was waving her ice cream in front of me.
"Hmmm... Are you sure it's Legit? And would you please leave my Ice cream alone?" After the incident with Niklaus I hardly believed celebrities who wished to have collaborations with me. Sandra had just finished a cup of the Ice cream. She grumbled as she heard the last thing I said.
"Of course. It's so Legit we're flying out tomorrow!" Tomorrow? Had she finally lost it?
"You do know I just joined my workplace few weeks ago right? I can't just up and leave. Mum would kill me." A knock. It must be the Pizza I had ordered minutes ago... I opened the door to see the delivery man. "I'm sorry I'm late Ma. There was hold up. You know how Lagos can be on a Friday night na?" He said and winked at me. I just smiled and collected my Pizza from him. I went back to the dining room to see Sandra on the phone with Mum. Apparently Sandra had informed her about my 'big' opportunity. Mum and Nike would meet me in Los Angeles.
"You don't have to worry Abike. Luckily the Firm said you can work from over there. You'd just have to come back in time to appear in Court." Sandra and her connections... She had obviously threatened my poor boss to let me go for the job since I had been winning cases for the firm. "You threatened my boss didn't you?" I was eating my Pizza already. Sandra carried the Pizza and headed to my room. "Come on. We have lots to pack. Go go."

  While on the plane, I'd gotten five missed call from Dad. What the hell was he calling me for? I really had no intention of calling him back. The guts he had to be calling me. Sick Bastard!

  Arriving in Los Angeles was quite different than how it was arriving in New York. Was it the weather or the atmosphere? Something felt wrong? Sandra wouldn't stop beaming. Mr Boone secretary had come pick us up at the airport in his Porche.
"Sandra I thought you said you had made preparations for our transport." I whispered this in her ear since she wouldn't stop talking with the poor secretary who just wanted to be left alone.
"It's not my fault if Mr Boone offered to transport us himself is it?" She replied whilst whispering. She motioned for me to just relax and drink some beverage.
  We arrived at the hotel in less than 30 minutes. The hotel was Mr Boone's. Sandra and I were ushered into our room by one of the Conceirge. Our room was big and spacious with two beds beside each other. I dropped my bags and fell flat on my bed. I was so tired. I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. I came back into the room to see Sandra asleep on her bed. She had to be tired with all she did today. I snuggled into my bed to get some sleep also.
  "Abike. Get up." Sandra was waking me up. She had changed into her pyjamas. I was enjoying my sleep and didn't want to be disturbed.
"I still want to sleep some more jare." Sandra pulled the covers from my body and the cold air sprang me up.
"I'm up." Sandra headed back to the armchair and ate her food. It smelled so good. It seemed like room service was here already.
"Good. There's Jollof rice and Chicken for you here. Come and eat." The food was delicious with the yoghurt I used to accompany the food.
"So tomorrow is the read through... You'd have to make some changes to the storyline and read your script. Mr Boone would be meeting us tomorrow. Let's go pick out what you'll wear." As Sandra picked out my dress, It came to mind that I didn't even know who the my co-stars were.
"Do you know anything about my co-stars? Wouldn't it be weird not knowing who my Co - stars are?" Sandra was humming to a song and just smiled at me.
"You will meet them tomorrow Abike. All you have to do is rest well for tomorrow. This came for you while you were sleeping." It was a brown envelope with a seal. I opened it to see some case files in it. It was from my boss. It was the Case I had been assigned to. I saw a note there which read 'specially for you'. Oh my Goodness. He was practically giving me the whole case to do by myself. Sandra wouldn't kill me.
"What is it? Another suit?" Sandra was placing my cloth on the armchair for me so it'd be easier for me to wear the next day.
"Yeah. And thanks to you I'm left to do all the work by myself." I headed to my bed to rest my head. I'll continue this tomorrow.

  Sandra woke me up the next day. After my bath, I used deodorant, applied body spray and wore my clothes. I loved smelling nice. Sandra had picked out a White shirt, black jeans and white Sneakers. My hair was packed in a bun. Since today was just read through, I opted for a simple makeup. I applied some powder, mascara and a little lip gloss. I was good to go. Sandra was dressed in her suit. She had to look the part of being my P.A. The read through was happening in the conference room of the hotel. Sandra and I had just gotten out of the Elevator when I saw Mr Boone for the first time. He was dressed in a black suit which didn't hide the fact that he was muscular. His hair was dark in colour. It looked so silk though...
"You must be Miss Abike right? Nice to meet you." His voice was so husky. He had stretched his hands to me. I quickly shaked his hands.
"Yes Sir. It's my pleasure Sir." He laughed at my reply and just winked at Sandra.
"So humble even in your reply.😂😂 I think I'd enjoy working with you." He ushered me into the Conference room.
"So how has your stay been so far?" How dare I complain? This was  Tyler Boone for God's sake.
"It has been pleasant Sir."  He looked at me like he was studying me.
"Good. I'm glad you are enjoying your stay here." Everybody looked up when he came into the room.
"Good Morning everyone. This is Abike. She'll be in charge of making corrections to the scripts and of course she plays the role of Bonnie in the film. Please treat her well." Sandra led me to my seat then. It was when everyone was introducing their selves I saw it... Oh my Word!

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