6• A first for everyone

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You finished your makeup and checked the time.


You tapped your fingers as you waited. You stood up in the uncomfortable heels and walked over to your mirror to admire yourself.

Ryder had asked you out tonight, he said it was a fancy dinner so you had to dress nice. You and Ryder you guess we're officially dating, yet it all felt so wrong. But you loved Ryder you could feel it.

Mean while Beetlejuice and Candy went through what they had to do. Beetlejuice knee it was dangerous to bring a breather to the Netherworld, but he needed Candy. He'd probably go crazy without her.

"So like, you're just going to enter the Netherworld with me and we walk around like nothing or..."

"It's a bit more complicated than that. Just like times different there and there's no day, no night. Other than that, it's basically the same." Beetlejuice said turning the tv on.

Candy sighed and watches the tv, wanting the old you back as much as Beetlejuice did. You both were pretty, should I say? Helpless?? I'll stop... But you know what I'm saying. You were the think that held Beetlejuice together. He missed you more everyday while you were off living like you guys never met.

After some time you heard a knock on the door.

"Ryder! You look good." You said as you opened the door.

"And you look stunning, Y/n. Ready?" He said politely.

"Yup, let's go." You said happily, and walked out of the house.

You both soon arrived at the restaurant and was seated. It all seemed somewhat wrong to be there with Ryder, and you hated it. "Y/n, you feeling okay?" Ryder kindly asked.

"Uh... Yeah, just... Never been to this nice of a restaurant." You said nervously.

"It's okay, just relax... Act like it's only us." AND IT CAN BE US! IT CAN BE US AND ONLY US! I'm sorry ;-;

You smiled and he grabbed your hand. The weird feeling of guilt never left, but you tried to ignore it best you could. Other than that you had a lovely night with Ryder. After you both finished he dropped you off at your house and you both parted your ways. You unlocked your door and stepped into the dark house.  You accidentally walked into your mom's old room only to see what seems to be a little girls room. 'Huh?' you thought as you clicked the light on. The walls were a light violet with some blue decal around. You saw some pictures of a h/c e/c girls smiling. You wandered around confused before you turned the light off and left to go to your room. You took your heels off and stripped to get in the shower. After you got finished and dresses you went to bed.

"Wait wait wait, so Beej... Why do you like this show so much!" Candy laughed pointing to the screen.

"Me and Y/n used to watch it together shut up!" He pouted.

Aye, I'm sick! So... Short chapter today. I'll try to write more when I'm feeling better, but as of now idk when that'll be

So hope you liked it, a vote and comment might make me feel better but I ain't sayin' nothing 👀

But like,

Author out!

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