Entry 2

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Dear diary,
Why do they hate me?
Why don't I fight back?
Why do I listen to them ?
So I'm not better I'll never be.
I guess it's just something that will never be mine.
Being normal
Being beautiful
Loved by my class
No I'll just listen to them. Maybe they'll like me if I'm finer or smarter.
I've starved myself
I've stopped myself from eating a lot
I just want to live out a dream I can't reach 
My best friends think I'm cured
They think I'm saved, they think they saved me from "myself"
Well news flash I'm still dead inside. I'm still a Fucking disappointment to everyone
I can't seem to get good grades like my brother does
I always hear that my brother could do this in his sleep
I've always thought that I wasn't good enough for anything and anyone
I don't mérit anything I need to be stronger
I can't
I need to be smarter
I can't
I can't do anything
I can't believe in my self
You're the only one I care about
I care about everyone except me
I don't care if they are hurting me
I'm making someone happy
That's all I care about
I can't care about myself if other people are hurting
I can't bring myself to go to heaven when I can save people in hell
I can right
I'm not pretty enough to attract anyone but I'm caring enough to help others out right ?
I can?
I can't I don't even know if I can save anyone
I care about people more than they care about me
I care about someone's wellbeing more than my own
Am I normal ?
I'm too fat
I'm too short
I'm ugly
I'm dumb
That's what they say
I should kill myself they say
Well I won't
I'll be stronger than them
I'll fight back and I'll make people proud of me
I'll be someone you can rely on
I'll be here if you need help
I'll be here if you need mental support
I know what you are going through
It gets better
It gets happier
Life has a meaning even if you find it hard to find
People care about you
People care about us
Don't let a$$es hurt you
Don't let bi***** tell you otherwise
Don't let homophobes tell you you're an abomination cuz you aren't you are beautiful
You are worth anyone's time
You are shy so what
You are beautiful and I'm gonna repeat it until you get it
You are beautiful
You are worth it
You are cared for
You are important
You are interesting
You are smart
You are loved
You are important
I love every single one of you
Just you being here helps me
I care about you
And if you ever need anything I'll be there just slide into the dms
I love you all

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