Chapter 19- Secrets

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After a few hours of the awkward drive with Jack, we're finally home.

As soon as I opened the door my dad hugged me "I missed you, darling, it's weird without you." My dad said and his eyes started tearing up.

"Dad it's only been a few weeks," I said and hugged him again.

"I know but we never been separated for this long." He said and turned to Jack.

He hugged him too "missed you too, how was your drive?"

Jack smiled "Good, I'm a bit tired now, where's a mom?"

Dad sighed.

"She went shopping with her friends."

"Is something wrong?" I asked him, he looks exhausted.

"We've been fighting since last night about some stupid things, so I'm a bit stressed, but don't worry about that you two, go put your things in your rooms." He said.

I went to the second floor where my room is and Jack was behind me, his room is next to mine. I throw my suitcase on the floor and jumped on the bed.

I missed my room, even tho my new room is much bigger and better I spend my whole life in this one. I have a lot of good memories here, with my mom.

My phone started ringing.

It's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Ivy." Said a familiar voice. Damon.


I shouldn't have an answer.

"Why did u called?"

"I need to talk to you, can I come over, please?"

" I'm not home right now."

"Where are you? I just need a few minutes, face to face with you."

"I'm not in NY, I'm back home, I'm coming back in a few days."

"Fuck!" He said loudly "Are you with Jack?"

"Yeah, he came with me, why?" I asked confused.

"I have to talk to you about this, I wanted to say this to your face but I don't want to wait a few days to tell you... it's about Jack, and well it's about me too." He said and I could hear his fingers tapping on the desk.

What is he on about?

"About you and Jack? Okay, tell me."

"I need you to not get mad, just listen to me and don't tell anything to Jack."

"What the fuck are you talking about, just tell me already," I said and he sighed deeply.

"Before your dad meets his mom they lived in NY, and we went to school together. We were best friends."


"Best friends? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you two pretend like you don't know each other?" I asked.

Why would they hide that?

"Well we got into a huge fight about something he did, and since then we hated each other. I haven't seen him in a few years, I was shocked when he came to the club and you said he's your brother." He said.

"Okay, but still, you could tell me you know him," I said angrily. What else are they hiding?

I hear a loud knock on my door.

"Your dad is calling us to come downstairs" Jack yelled and burst into my room looking at my phone "You saw Nicky a few hours ago, can you end the conversation? Now!" He said and rolled his eyes.

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