Chapter 22

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Jack walked away with his friends leaving me alone with these animals.

"Here's our porn star." Said Jackson. School's biggest dickhead, tragically I used to have a crush on him, and he invited me to date but I found out he had a girlfriend and it was Stacey so of course, I refused.

He made sure I remember they had my nudes every day in school by talking about it every time he sees me.

Yep, I hate him.

"Oh hi, Jackson, I see you still haven't grown up," I said and smiled.

"Aww, why so mad cutie? I thought you missed me." He said,
pouting his lips.

"So much," I replied sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Let's put our past behind and have fun tonight, it's weird without you I don't have anyone to make fun of." He said and gave me a drink.

"Tragic, you have to find a new victim now," I said and started drinking again.

Was it my 5th or 6th glass? Meh, who cares.

I feel a bit dizzy.

He smirked and stared at me.

"What?" I asked. Can he like... stop staring? It's weird.

"Nothing, I'm just not used to you replying to my insults." He said and still haven't moved his gaze from me.

"I guess I just don't care anymore," I said and grabbed another drink.

Jackson took my hand quickly before I drank it "Woah, you need to slow down, you look drunk already." He said and I sighed.

"Ye, that was my intention."

"Why? You're not enjoying this dinner? " he said and smirked. Bastard.

"Oh yea, can't you see the excitement in my face?" I asked.

"Sarcasm? " he asked.

"Yes sherlock."

He started laughing really loud and now everyone around was staring at us.

"This is gonna be so fun." He said and I looked at him confused.

"They are serving the dinner, you're sitting next to me." He said and I nodded.

I couldn't care less to be honest. I just want it to be done already.

I lost my enthusiasm about finding out the truth, I think I'm too drunk for that.

I sat next to Jackson, and Jack was on my left side eying Jackson.

"So, how's college going? " Jackson asked.

"Great," I said and started eating. From the corner of my eye I saw my dad looking at me and smiling, he probably thinks I made friends tonight.

Girls from across the table are looking at me and whispering something. So mature.

"So you don't hate your sister anymore? " Jackson asked, obviously trying to provoke him.

Not a good idea.

"Turns out she's not that bad after all." He said and winked at me.

Not that bad?

"So you found out?" He asked.


"Huh?" Jack looked at him confused.

"I mean we all know Stacey is a bitch, I'm glad you didn't freak out on her, I didn't want to go on with it but she was kinda my girlfriend at the time." He said looking guilty.

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