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Andy shrieked, dropping the pan she was cooking eggs in and stumbling backward until her back hit the nearest kitchen counter. She clutched at her chest, locking eyes - or eye holes - with Eleven who wore a white bedsheet over her body. Hearing the commotion Hopper came stumbling out his bedroom to see what was happening, ready to fight if need be.

"Eleven!" Andy cried, trying to regain her breath and calm her nerves. "You can't do that. I nearly had a heart attack." She exclaimed. She turned back to the eggs, taking them off the heat and thankful they hadn't been ruined. Hopper rubbed his head, trying to reduce his own adrenaline.

"Ghost." Eleven said deadpanned. "Halloween." Andy could tell where this was going and decided to focus on pouring the eggs she had made onto three plates ready to eat instead of getting involved.

"Sure is." Hopper mumbled. "But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat." He grabbed two plates from the counter and walked to the small dining table but Eleven did not follow. "They wouldn't see me. The bad men."

"What are you talking about?" He asked and Andy pulled out her chair at her spot at the table and sat in front of her plate of breakfast. "Trick or Treat." Eleven answered, stuttering on the distinctive words.

"You want to go trick or treating?" He scoffed, looking at the little ghost next to the table in bewilderment. He peered over to Andy to see if she was as surprised, but all she did was raise an eyebrow at him, a warning that he shouldn't get mad. As per usual, he ignored her. "No. You know the rules." He stood up, shuffling Eleven backward into her seat.

"But they wouldn't see me." She pleaded, but Hopper continued. "I don't care. I don't care, alright? You go out there, ghost or not, it's a risk. We don't take risks. They're stupid."

Andy understood where her father was coming from, he wanted to protect Eleven, but she hated when he got annoyed with the girl. Her dad had a temper and was strict. Andy knew from experience that didn't always go down well when raising a child. More than anything she longed to give Eleven the normal childhood she deserved and it broke her heart to see her dreams of trick or treating be ripped away from her.

"Now, you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold."

Eleven threw the sheet off her and flopped down in her seat. She crossed her arms, refusing to eat her food and glaring up at Hopper through her beady eyes. Hopper tried to eat his food, smothering the toast in maple sauce but even he gave in to the girl's scowl. "Alright, look. How about I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat. Watch a scary movie together? How's that for a compromise?"

𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥〡STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now