(I) The story begins

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Morning(12:00 n.n)

I gave you everything!!,I gave you food,clothing,education,and etc.this is will I get  "sorry dad but I dont want to be the inheritor of the company".he chuckles then says "get to your senses y/n,you know I can do anything,for you to follow my path for you no BUTS and EXCUSES".with that you stormed out of the room leaving your dad angry feeling towards you.without you knowing your father is having a heart attack after you leaving him, suddenly he fell off the ground having an attack.


(Flashback)10:47 a.m
You woke up feeling sore,suddenly your phone rings without looking at the caller ID you answered "good morning y/n speaking".then the caller anwered "GET YOUR LAZY ASS IN HERE YOUNG LADY".knowing the voice sounds familiar it was your dad.you answered back "ok dad".with that you lazily take your ass off the bed and saw your room messy,you just shrugged your shoulder knowing the maids will come to clean your room after you leave.you went to  bathroom waking up yourself,doing you morning routines.after that  you saw your mom as you walk down the stairs.you greeted her with plastered smile on your face and said"good morning mom".with that you kissed her cheeks  while sitting down at the dinning table and she replies"good morning honey,how's your sleep?".you said "it's fine".then you went back to your senses that you dad was waiting for you at your  company( your family company). With that you quickly get you things and goes to your parking lot to choose which car to use and you simply took the simplest car,because your not used on peoples attention.now your driving with a high speed afraid of your father scolding you because you're late.


When you arrive at your company,you are greeted by your employees,the secretary of your father assist you directly to your father's office room.when you arrive at your father's office door you quickly took glance over your father mirror wall fixing your self neatly.then proceed to knocking at the door "come in"your father said.coming inside the office of your father you are greeted by a lot of paper works in your fathers office,then you greeted your father with a happy face "good morning father,what do you need me to do?".your father replied "first,good afternoon. second,I called to gave you the properly the company,because as I get older I'm becoming weak since your the only inheritor you will be leading our company for the rest of your life"you cut him off by saying "but father I don't want it,what I want is to be an artist"he cuts you off "you will follow that path,this is for your own good!"getting the tone of his voice higher,then you flinched"but father I'm old enough to decide my future and what to do!!!". He raise his voice "don't you dare raise your voice at me you disrespectful kid!!!!". "But, sorry dad but I dont want to be the inheritor of the company".with that in his mind all of his hard work will be nothing and he feel his blood boiling because of your action.after  seconds of thingking your father shouts ".I gave you everything!!,I gave you food,clothing,education,and etc.this is will I get  "sorry dad but I dont want to be the inheritor of the company".he chuckles then says "get to your senses y/n,you know I can do anything,for you to follow my path for you no BUTS and EXCUSES" then the rest happens fastly your fahter being brought to the hospital without you knowing.

(Present time)
You are on your car  silently sobbing and crying hard ,you stayed there after the incident happened between you and your dad,after thingking about earlier suddenly your phone rings again ,your mom calling "Y/n,come here at the hospital...... your father had an heart attack  come quickly"she said while crying.with that you quickly panicked not knowing what to do ,blaming yourself,hitting the steering wheel,guiltness rushed through your mind,you breathed in and out thingking about what to do.with that you quickly drove off to the hospital.

You arrived at the hospital,you asked the front desk where does your fayther assigned room is.then the lady gave you instruction,once you arrived in front of the door on your father's room you fixed yourself,then you knocked,while coming in you quickly greeted by a slap on your cheeks by your mother.

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