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Your mom fell on her knees crying hard."because of you!!!!,he became like this(you looked at your father lying on the hospital bed with the dextrose connected with his hands ). She calmed down and continued"let me inform you y/n he's aging and having a weak heart, that cause stress that's why he wants you to take over the company,so help him out take over the company he needs to rest already"with that she stands up fixing herself and walking beside your dad and settle herself in the chair beside.

After knowing the reasons,she gave you time to think about the situation,after that your deciding which was more important your dad or your dreams,without hesitating you answered "ok mom I'll take over the company"you answered with a sad tone.then you said to your mom"ma I'll take care of dad,it's my fault,it's my responsibility to take care of him,go home and get some sleep",your mom cuts you of "I'm his wife it's my responsibility",you cut her off "mom please get some beauty rest I dont want my mom to have wrinkles"you joked and continued"when you get here tommorrow I will be the who go home and start my work at the company" with that your mom giggles happily "I'm so thankful to have an understandable daughter" and you said "your welcome mom,and I'm returning all the things you've done to me,so thank you for everything " with that your mom's getting ready to go home and beading a good bye for both of you and your dad.


You woke up,and sits beside your dad saying"dad I'm sorry for talking back at you, I'm sorry being disrespectful,shouting,and I promise you to take good care of the company not to waste all of your hard works".you said as you kiss hiss hands and slept at the chair beside him.

Little did you know that your father is awake during you to fulfill your promis to hin happy inside,that you finally accept the company.

"Y/N wake up!!!??? You need to go home and wash,and start working at the company". With that you left after helping out your mom to feed your dad.

Before going out your dad said"y/n".your turn your back at the door looking to your dad saying "thank you".you said"your welcome dad,anything for you".and you left,going home.

When you got home you we're greeted by the maids.they made you a breakfast because you're mom told them to prepare your breakfast since she knows that you will be going home early. You greeted them back and start walking towards the dinning table,you ate the food they prepared for you.

After eating,you goes up to your room to do your morning routine.

"After 30 mins."

You've already done your routine and and you grab your things. Walking down stairs you gave remind them what to do and with that you left going to your company. Going through your garage,you chose to drive all by yourself since your driver took a day off.

"After 1 hour"

Your already arrived at your company,going in the company you were greeted by your employees and you greet back,after that you were finding your dad's secretary to tell her that you will take over after finding her around the office you found yourself so dumb,because her desk is just outside your dad's office room(already your office room)then walking to her desk asking "where were you I'm finding you the whole time?".she replies "Sorry ma'am I was just at the comfort room",you answered "it's okay,and can you please hand me over the office works at my room,because starting from today I will be leading the company, have me oriented to the works also means you'll be my secretary from now on",you says politely trying not be sound rude, with that you excuse yourslef and walks to your office, as you sits down, leaving a big sigh and groan in your mouth and saying "today,will be really a long long day".then you heard a knock at you door,you saying"come in", with that you saw your secretary coming in with a pile of office works,and you said "am I going to work that thing all day?"and she noded saying "yes ma'am" and she put the files at your desk and leaving to get the things you will be needing for your orientation,and you stopped her saying"by the way don't call me ma'am,I'm not comfortable with it,just call me by name when were alone ok?".


As I walk out on the room the landline phone at my desk is ringing and I answered "good morning,y/l/n company speaking" and then someone answered I think it's a man's voice cause the voice is so deep and on the other line says"can I talk to your boss?",I answedered "what is the problem sir?"
And the man answered " umm... I would like  to occupy your whole hotel at (hotel place)". And I heard someone mumbling beside him in other language (korean language). And I answere "wait sir ,can you hold up I will talk to my boss"with that I ran through my boss' office and knocking, saying "ma'am someone needs to talk to you about our hotel at the (hotel place) I'll give you the line ma'am" with that she gave me a glare and I remembered I supposed to call her by her name and I said "sorry ma'am ,I mean y/n" with that she smiled and answered "ok" with that I gave her the rest to talk to the man.

Back to your P.O.V

I was on the line talking to the man that wants to rent our whole hotel just to stay for one month and with that we had terms and agreement and I closed the deal but the man interrupted before I end call by saying "but we need to see you in person there,to know if you're trustworthy" with that you answered "sure,but I have a lot of works to do so I'll think about it" with that the call ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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