Chapter 5

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Marinette has spent months working on her dress that she planned to wear. She wanted to make sure it turned out perfect. She hoped and prayed and talked about it to Tikki on multiple occasions that she planned for it turned out good. She was so excited. Was.

[end of recap]

Marinette was face to face with the dress that she spent so much of her time on. She used to look at it with excitement and love, but now when she looked at it she felt disgust and regret.

She took the dress off of the stand that she had it on, and stared at it some more in her hands. Tikki came out from Marinettes bed and said, "Hey you shouldn't let this get to you Mari! Maybe it's a misunderstanding or something like that. I bet that Adrien doesn't really like Lila!"

Her attempt of helping Marinette was in vain, because after that she looked directly at Tikki and yelled, "Why would he ask her out if he didn't like her Tikki!"

Tikki was startled and looked away with a look off sadness. When Tikki looked over she saw a little black butterfly and began to panic.

"Marinette!" She tried to warn the girl before anything else happened, but was stopped when she saw her take off her ear rings and put them in the box.

Marinette watched as Tikki disappeared, and put the box down on her desk and wrote a little note. She then proceeded to walk back to her dress.

She held the dress and felt like tearing it apart. She closed her eyes tight hoping for the tears to stop flooding out, but when she opened her eyes she was met with a purple glow.

Marinette knew what was happening and was too hurt to even try to stop it.

"This is Hawkmoth and you will be Hui Hughes also known as Vengeful Butterfly," He said with a sinister laugh to accompany it, "you are to get your revenge on the ones who caused this, and retrieve the lady bug and chat noir miraculous!"

Hawkmoth was met with silence after he said those words, and began to worry that there was some interference with the akuma.

"You are to listen to my every word and get the miraculous!" He shouted hoping to catch the interest of Marinette.

He was again met with silence he was about to continue talking until he was interrupted by Marinette, "How about this I'll take the powers and name, but you can go."

"I, I that is quite absurd young lady! You work for me not the other way around! Who do you think you are?" He yelled.

"Well I'm who you say I am," she took a pause, "Vengeful Butterfly." She said the name and with that broke the purple mask that traced her face.

With breaking that she lost contact with Hawkmoth, but still had her powers to use to her empty hearts content.

He was completely flabbergasted as to the events that just happened, and just stood there in the dark room. He stood there and spaced out still processing what had happened.

Marinette stayed in her room for a moment when she heard her parents talking to someone downstairs. She listened in to the conversation and head Luka and her mother talking.

"Is Marinette here I was hoping to take her to the dance." He asked her mother.

"Oh no sorry Marinette seems to not be feeling well I don't think she is going." Her mother replied.

Marinette stayed there and thought, "oh Luka..."  at that moment she suddenly switched out of her akumatized form for a split second, but went back quickly.

Before anyone could come into her room she left by jumping out from her balcony. If you were a civilian from below all you would see was a cloud of black with a beautiful woman crying tears of black ooze in a gorgeous black dress.

As to where she was going no one knew. For her she knew where, but dreaded it on the inside.

Vendetta//akumatized MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now