Elijah, and a Divorce?

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Aurora's POV-

It's been two weeks since I've seen Klaus. For two weeks I've been staying with Elijah at an apartment he's keeping in the city. "Elijah, you know you don't have to do this right?" He came up and hugged me close. "You needed somewhere to stay and I just happen to have a place you can stay." I smiled brightly up at him nuzzling my head into his chest. We stayed like that for a moment. Elijah smiled down at me softly. "I'm going to see what Niklaus needs then I'll be back and we can go to those stores you want to in the quarter, okay?" I smile nodding, "I'd like that. But, it is not a date yet." He smirked "Yet?" I laughed lightly and smiled. "Yes, yet."

Elijah left to go speak with Klaus and I went out into the french quarter looking at all the witch shops. Walking into one I smiled "Bath bombs, bath salts, candles, and snacks? Witches dream." I smiled. Picking out the few I want, I pulled my phone out to text Elijah asking what kind of candles he would like for around the apartment. I didn't get a response so I headed back picking a few for him. I lounged about until he got home. "Hey, you never answered my text so I'm assuming Klaus was being a handful?" He chuckled "Very much so. My sincerest apologies for not answering you." I laughed softly "I don't care as long as you're alright." He smiled and sat next to me. I cuddled into his side.

A while later I announced I was going for a bath. Elijah walked in standing in the doorway watching me. Slowly I started to take off my dress Elijah coming in and giving me assistance. He started leaving small kisses down my neck, his hands slowly running down my arms. I gasped for breath when his fangs ran against my neck. "Elijah..." My dress fell to the floor, he turned me around slowly tilting my head up into a kiss. Slowly the kiss started to get heated and clothes started going everywhere. He picked me up pinning me against the wall my legs wrapped around his waist his fangs in my neck. I gripped his hair pulling him closer. The hotter things got the more hesitant he got. Laying on the bed he stopped and looked down at me. "Aurora, darling we won't be having sex..."

I opened my mouth to protest but he quickly shut me up by kissing me. "It has nothing to do with me wanting to be with you, it's a case of I don't want to be your rebound. I want you to choose me with no more ties to my brother besides the fact that he is my brother." I gazed into his eyes "You want me to divorce him." Elijah kissed me on the head softly "I want you to think about it." "I will." "Whenever you are ready then will I make love to you." Soon his phone went off and he sighed "Yes, Rebekah? No, I was in the middle of something but I'm not now." He kissed my head and got up. I laid there watching him leave. Sighing I looked up at the ceiling "He's right I need to divorce Klaus if I want things to go any further. He's always cheated on me and he loves me but not as a wife anymore. As well I refuse to do to them what Tatia did."

The next day I got ready and headed to the manor. "Niklaus!" I said walking in. "Oh, it's you," Haley said with a bit of an attitude. "Yes now, where is my husband?" She shrugged and looked away from me. I walked around the house until I found him. "Niklaus we need to speak." "Not now I'm busy darling." He said whilst painting. I rolled my eyes "Niklaus I want a divorce." At that, he stopped and looked at me furiously. "No! We will not be getting a divorce over something of little importance." My eyes widened "Of little importance! Niklaus it is a child that is not mine but is yours. You have cheated on me all through our marriage and I have forgiven you time after time. I am finally done Niklaus."

I turned to leave, "It's Elijah isn't he's telling you to do this!" I turned around quickly. "No, Niklaus I'm tired of never being good enough, I'm tired of being in love with someone who doesn't love me anymore. We will always be family but I can't be your wife. I also refuse to be married to you when giving Elijah a chance." "Always the noble Elijah. Never the bastard of a brother!" He growled getting in my face. I glared at him and hit his chest "I have loved you for a thousand years, I never once thought Elijah was better than you. But, I'm finally realizing that one of you respects me and loves me. So what if I'm giving Elijah a chance. At least I'm not sleeping around and getting knocked up!" I yelled and stormed out of the house going to Elijah's apartment.

A few days later Elijah and I were meant to go to the quarter together again. I texted him and I waited about an hour for a response and didn't get one. Hours had passed and I still hadn't heard from him. I went home and unpacked all the stuff I bought. "Elijah?" I waited a moment only to get no answer, so I looked around the house till I got a call. "Rebekah's calling?" Answering it quickly "Hello Rebekah." "Aurora where is Elijah? I can't find him anywhere he called me asking to come help with Niklaus." I furrowed my brows "I don't know." Rebekah sighed "Meet me at the manor." She then hung up and I quickly left. When I walked in I heard Haley say Elijah made promises to make sure no harm comes to her, then Klaus said he left. "He wouldn't just leave," I said softly thinking about what could have happened.

Rebekah growled, "Which means Niklaus has done something dastardly and Klaus-like." Rebekah then started to storm into the living room "Klaus, get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" Klaus came out the double doors "Enough with all the shouting." He walked fully into the room. "Little sister, I should have known. I assume, the dead vampires were your doing?" Rebekah huffed "They were very rude. Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl." "Innocent my ass," I said making myself known. Klaus looked over at me, then quickly back to his sister. "Your wife doesn't even know where he is!" She stated loudly. "Ex-Wife actually," I said firmly then getting back on topic. "Now where is he?" Klaus growled then smirked, "He's somewhere you two know this house as well as I do. So, feel free to look around. I have other places to be." To which he then left the house. "Something very bad has happened to Elijah."


I apologize for not posting for a year guys. I honestly just didn't feel like it then school was busy as I'm in a fashion program. So I will be trying my best to update at least once a week either on Fridays or Sundays. So please bear with me and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Leave comments on who you ship, what you think, will happen next, also will Haley and Aurora's relationship get better now? Or will it get worse? I hope you guys are having a good day. Lots of love, -Lex your Author

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