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Lily came home after dinnertime

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Lily came home after dinnertime. Noa couldn't bring herself to go downstairs and eat, so she stayed put. By the time Lily returned to the room, it was almost eight and Noa hadn't moved in almost four hours.

"Oh, I didn't know I was getting a roommate."

Lily was pretty. Fair skin, green eyes, wavy blonde hair, although Noa could tell that it was bleached. She briefly wondered who gave the girl the money to do it, but then figured it wasn't her business anyway.

"You're one of the quiet ones, aren't you?"

In Noa's defense, she didn't really intend to be completely rude to her new roommate, and possible friend. She was just having a certified Bad Brain Day. It was what a foster mom a few families ago called Noa's depressive moods. The ones that made storms come out of nowhere and windows shatter.

"Okay. Just ignore me, I guess."

Lily turned on her heel and seconds later, Noa could hear the shower turn on and the bathroom door close. It was a few minutes before Noa forced herself to get up, taking the scratchy linen and using it to make her bed. She hoped Montgomery would let her get a job. She had one at the last family, but it's not like they cared much about what she did anyway. They were the type to foster for the paycheck, not the good karma.

If she got a job, she could continue to save up to move once she was eighteen. That was her plan, especially now that she was at Thornheardt and there was no where left for her to go after this. She was just going to move somewhere else, where she wouldn't have to rely on crappy guardians.

When Lily came out of the shower, Noa was back in bed, covered by an Army blanket over her head. She didn't try to talk to her again, and for that Noa was glad. Tomorrow she would be friendly, but today was for her.

The next morning was a Saturday, and Noa didn't feel any better, but at least it had stopped raining

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The next morning was a Saturday, and Noa didn't feel any better, but at least it had stopped raining. Lily was wary of any more conversation with her new roommate, and quickly dressed and left for the day. Noa assumed she had much better things to do than sit at home all day, and any other day Noa would agree. But social workers and case discussions and new homes always drained a lot out of her, and at least here she wouldn't need to keep up appearances by pretending to enjoy the company of her new siblings or parents.

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