Now Onto The Actual Story

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It's been a long day of dating for these ponies.

Pinky Pie: I just don't think that Shelby is into me. Not like I wish she would be.

Fluttershy: Well maybe if you tried being calmer maybe she would like you more.

Pinky Pie: Ya think? I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'll be back here after I act cool and calm and then ask her out.

1 week later...

Pinky Pie: She rejected me! Me! Like how could she do that to me! That fucking bitch! Wait a minute this is all your fault! You gave me bad fucking information.

Fluttershy: I promise I didn't mean to. I thought she would have liked it since she so calm and cool.

Pinky Pie: Well everyone I've ever liked I've tried it on and they say they like me better when I am myself not a fake.

Fluttershy: Maybe you have a type. Maybe you should look for someone who's used to your craziness. Someone who you dont have to pretend around.

Pinky Pie: Yea maybe.

*Pinky Pie looks deep into Fluttershy's eyes. You can feel the tension between them as they sit there thinking of what to do next. They both lean in and then pull away like they know what they want but are too afraid to get it. Suddenly, Fluttershy mumbles to herself, "Stop being such a fucking pussy Fluttershy,". All of a sudden Pinky Pie feels her lips pressed against Fluttershys. They make out for 15 minutes tossing each other around and getting entrapped in each other's scent.

Pinky Pie: I'm gonna be late getting home. I gotta go bye. I love you.

Fluttershy: I love you more!

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